VDA Automotive SPICE Guideline Assessor:2023-11

VDA Automotive SPICE Guideline Assessor:2023-11

Automotive SPICE Guidelines. Process assessment using the Automotive SPICE PAM 4.0. Assessor Edition (wire-o binding). 2nd revised edition, November 2023

84,00 €


The VDA reworked the existing Automotive SPICE Guidelines version 1.0 based on the Process Assessment Model Automotive SPICE 4.0 that is released in conjunction with this Blue-Gold-Book. This was made to take appropriate steps to improve the quality and comparability of assessment results.

Major improvements are made regarding addition of new domains like Hardware Development and Machine Learning. The rating guidelines are provided for all processes in the process assessment model and a new recommended scope for assessments has been determined.

The Blue-Gold-Book “Automotive SPICE for Cybersecurity” of 2021 remains a separate document.

The “Automotive SPICE Process Assessment Model” is increasingly used within the global automotive industry for the objective evaluation of processes and the subsequent improvement of processes at project and organization level. It shall not be misinterpreted as a development methodology. The objective in drawing up this document was to support the interpretation and application of the model for the automotive industry and to provide guidance and recommendations to increase the comparability of assessments results.

This document is aimed to support a mature and sustainable development within the automotive industry.


Part 1: Interpretation and rating guidelines

1 Application of interpretation and rating guidelines

2 Key concepts and overall guidelines

3 Rating guidelines on process performance (level 1)

4 Rating guidelines on process capability level 2

5 Rating guidelines on process capability level 3

6 Understanding capability level 4

7 Understanding capability level 5

Part 2: Guidelines for performing the assessment

8 Documented assessment process

9 Improvement process

10 Recommendations for performing an assessment

11 Requirements relating to assessor qualification  

Información adicional

Autor Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. Qualitäts Management Center (VDA QMC)
Publicado por VDAQMC
Tipo de Documento Norma
Edición 4.0 (wire-o binding). 2nd revised edition
ICS 03.120.20 : Certificación de productos y de empresas. Evaluación de la conformidad
43.020 : Vehículos de carretera en general
Número de páginas 128
Reemplaza VDA Automotive SPICE:2017-11
Peso(kg.) 0.3176
Formulario de pedido