Standardisierter Reklamationsprozess:2020

Standardisierter Reklamationsprozess:2020

Standardized Process for Handling Customer Complaints. Contents, Documentation and Explanation. 2nd edition (revised), December 2020

71,25 €


This VDA volume replaces the first issue of the VDA Standardized Process for Handling Customer Complaints of 2009.

This is a general revision that considers the experience and knowledge acquired inter alia in conjunction with the implementation of the VDA Volume – Problem-Solving in 8 Disciplines, etc.

Overall, it is intended to make it easier for automotive manufacturers and suppliers to align themselves with the joint process for handling customer complaints. Accordingly, this VDA volume deals with new technologies, business processes and services which have undergone significant further development since 2009. Supplier portals for communication in companies have also been evolving, and the technical basis for exchanging quality data via QDX is dealt with in a separate VDA volume.

Información adicional

Autor Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. Qualitäts Management Center (VDA QMC)
Publicado por VDAQMC
Tipo de Documento Norma
Edición 2
ICS 03.100.20 : Comercio. Función comercial. Marketing
Peso(kg.) 0.7125
Formulario de pedido