Standard Test Method 02: Method for Determination of Loss of Mass in a Reducing

Standard Test Method 02: Method for Determination of Loss of Mass in a Reducing

Metal Powder Industries Federation, 2022

32,00 €


This standard describes a method for determining the loss of mass of metal powders after heating for a specified time in a reducing atmosphere. This value is commonly referred to as hydrogen loss and approximates the oxygen content of the powder. This is an excerpt from Standard Test Methods for Metal Powders and Powder Metallurgy Products, 2022 Edition, with ISBN 9781943694310.

Información adicional

Autor Metal Powder Industries Federation
Publicado por MPIF
Tipo de Documento Norma
Tema /subgroups/50260
Número de páginas 2
Reemplaza Standard Test Method 02: Method for Determination of Loss of Mass in a Reducing Atmosphere for Metal Powders (Hydrogen Loss)
Palabra clave Standard Test Method 02: Method for Determination of Loss of Mass in a Reducing Atmosphere for Metal Powders (Hydrogen Loss)