Pharmacopée Européenne 11th Edition 2023/2024 - Français

Pharmacopée Européenne 11th Edition 2023/2024 - Français

(11.3 – 11.4 – 11.5)

606,00 €


The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is the primary source of official quality standards for medicines and their ingredients in Europe. Ph. Eur. standards provide a scientific basis for the quality control of a product throughout its life cycle, supporting the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare systems.

As laid down in the Council of Europe Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia and in European Union and national pharmaceutical legislation, these standards are legally binding. They become mandatory on the same date in all states parties to the convention.

The 11th Edition key facts and figures

New edition, legally binding in 39 European countries as of 1 January 2023 and applied in more than 130 countries worldwide.

Continuously updated and modernised to meet users' needs.

The 11th Edition of the Ph. Eur. contains:

2 469 monographs (including dosage forms),

386 general texts (including general monographs and methods of analysis),

and more than 2 800 descriptions of reagents.

Will be released in July 2022 and will be updated with eight periodic supplements over the following three years (11.1 to 11.8).

Información adicional

Autor EDQM
Tipo de Documento Base de datos Reglamento
Edición 11
EAN ISBN 978-92-871-9269-1
ICS 11.120.10 : Medicamentos
71.100.60 : Aceites esenciales, compuestos químicos aislados de aceites esenciales y productos aromatizantes orgánicos sintéticos
Peso(kg.) 3.0000
Palabra clave PUB200449
Formulario de pedido