The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a global organization and a specialized agency of the United Nations in principles and techniques of international air navigation. Its main objective relies upon ensuring safety of civil aviation through the establishment of standardizations which supports the global air transport network. ICAO ongoing mission commits to enhance safety and increase the efficiency of the air transport while including the environmental challenges and minimizing expenses and penalties.


ICAO develops policies, standards, regulations governing all aspects of civil aviation; submitting recommendations for air traffic, security for aircrafts and staff training, including terrorist threat. This source of information reports numerous performance metrics and supports the sustainable growth of the global civil aviation system.


These sources of information are delivered by two types of documents Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Procedures for Air Navigation (PANS). These data are essential, given that they provide the fundamental basis for harmonized global aviation safety and efficiency in the air and on the ground, the worldwide standardization of functional and performance requirements of air navigation facilities and services, and the orderly development of air transport.

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