NBN EN ISO 2615:2024

NBN EN ISO 2615:2024

Analysis of natural gas - Biomethane - Determination of the content of compressor oil (ISO 2615:2024)

Disponibilidad: En stock

58,00 €


This document gives general guidance for the sampling and gas chromatographic analysis of compressor oil in biomethane or compressed natural gas (CNG). The compressor oil mass fraction is determined by sampling on coalescing filters under defined operational conditions (the two first cubic meters of gas referring to standard conditions, delivered at a refuelling station).
Compressor oils are lubricants used in mechanical devices where the purpose is to reduce the volume and increase the pressure of gases for use in a variety of applications.
The method is solely applicable to compressed gas (p>18 MPa).
The compressor oil content is expressed as mass fraction. The scope of this method is from 3 mg/kg – 30 mg/kg.

Información adicional

Autor Bureau de Normalisation Belge (NBN)
Comité CEN/TC 408
Publicado por NBN
Tipo de Documento Norma
Fecha de cancelación 2024-11-30
ICS 75.060 : Gas natural
Número de páginas 25
histórico No
Palabra clave NBN EN ISO 2615:2024