NBN EN ISO 12224-1:2024

NBN EN ISO 12224-1:2024

Solder wire, solid and flux-cored - Specification and test methods - Part 1: Classification and performance requirements (ISO 12224-1:2024)

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58,00 €


This document specifies a coding system for the classification and designation of solid and flux-cored solder wire, and the performance requirements to be met by flux-cored wire and its constituents. Requirements for sampling, labelling and packaging are also specified.

Información adicional

Autor Bureau de Normalisation Belge (NBN)
Comité CEN/TC 121
Publicado por NBN
Tipo de Documento Norma
Fecha de cancelación 2024-11-30
ICS 25.160.50 : Soldadura fuerte y blanda
Número de páginas 23
Reemplaza NBN EN ISO 12224-1:1998
histórico No
Palabra clave NBN EN ISO 12224-1:2024