NBN EN 14325:2018+A1:2024

NBN EN 14325:2018+A1:2024

Protective clothing against chemicals - Test methods and performance classification of chemical protective clothing materials, seams, joins and assemblages

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142,00 €


This European Standard specifies the performance classification and test methods for materials used in chemical protective clothing, including gloves and footwear. The gloves and boots should have the same chemical protective barrier requirements as the fabric when an integral part of the clothing. This is a reference standard to which chemical protective clothing performance standards may refer in whole or in part, but this standard is not exhaustive in the sense that product standards may well require testing according to test method standards which are not included in this standard.
While these performance levels are intended to relate to the usage to which the chemical protective clothing is to be put, it is essential that the chemical protective clothing manufacturer or supplier indicate the intended use of the protective clothing and that the user (specifier) carries out a risk assessment in order to establish the correct performance level for the intended task.

Información adicional

Autor Bureau de Normalisation Belge (NBN)
Comité CEN/TC 162
Publicado por NBN
Tipo de Documento Norma
Fecha de cancelación 2024-11-30
ICS 13.340.10 : Indumentaria de protección
Número de páginas 35
histórico No
Palabra clave NBN EN 14325:2018+A1:2024