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1/3/2024 |
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IPC J-STD-001J is recognized globally for its criteria on soldering processes and materials. Updated with participants from 27 countries providing input and expertise. IPC J-STD-001J is a must-have for those in the electronics industry with an interest in the process and acceptance criteria for electrical and electronic assemblies. IPC J-STD-001 is developed in synergy with IPC-A-610 and is supported by IPC-HDBK-001 for those wanting additional information and explanation on the requirements. If you purchase IPC J-STD-001J, you should also purchase and use IPC-A-610J because of the synergy between the two documents.
Información adicional
Autor | Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC) |
Publicado por | IPC |
Tipo de Documento | Norma |
Tema | General |
Edición | J |
EAN ISBN | 978-1-63816-160-8 |
ICS | 31.190 : Ensamblado de Electrónicos
Número de páginas | 116 |
Reemplaza | IPC J-STD-001H:2020 |
Palabra clave | J001-STD-0-D-0-EN-J |