93.030 : Sistemas exteriores de evacuación de aguas residuales

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  • UNE-EN 12255-5:2024

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 5: Lagooning processes
    27/11/2024 - PDF - Español -
    Más información
    63,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-12:2024

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 12: Control and automation
    27/11/2024 - PDF - Español -
    Más información
    74,00 €

  • ISO/DIS 16611:2024

    Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage without pressure — Non-circular pipes and joints made of glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resins (UP) — Dimensions, requirements and tests
    26/11/2024 - Papier - Inglés -
    Más información
    72,00 €

  • NBN ISO 13265:2024

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage — Joints for buried non-pressure applications — Test method for the long-term sealing performance of joints with elastomeric seals by estimating the sealing pressure
    10/10/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    92,00 €

  • UNE 149401:2024

    Guidelines for the preparation of a regulation of discharges to the sanitation network
    9/10/2024 - PDF - Español -
    Más información
    139,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-3:2024

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 3: Preliminary treatment
    9/10/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 87,00 €

  • DIN ISO 16611:2024-10

    Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage without pressure - Non-circular pipes and joints made of glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resins (UP) - Dimensions, requirements and tests (ISO/DIS 16611:2024), Text in German and English
    1/10/2024 - PDF - Inglés, Alemán -
    Más información
    99,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12201-2:2024

    Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drains and sewers under pressure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Pipes
    18/9/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 73,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12201-4:2024

    Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drains and sewers under pressure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 4: Valves for water supply systems
    18/9/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 74,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12201-3:2024

    Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drains and sewers under pressure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Fittings
    18/9/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 89,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12201-5:2024

    Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drains and sewers under pressure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system
    18/9/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 68,00 €

  • 24/30474126 DC:2024

    BS ISO 16611 Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage without pressure. Non-circular pipes and joints made of glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resins (UP). Dimensions, requirements and tests
    2/9/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    24,00 €

  • prNBN B 21-101:2024

    Concrete manholes and inspection chambers, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced – National application document to NBN EN 1917:2002
    23/7/2024 - - -
    Más información
    184,00 €

  • prNBN B 21-106:2024

    Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced – National application document to NBN EN 1916:2002
    23/7/2024 - - -
    Más información
    184,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-9:2024

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 9: Odour control and ventilation
    3/7/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 74,00 €

  • UNE-EN 17670-2:2024

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance of surface water - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specification for road gullies
    3/7/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 91,00 €

  • DIN 4262-1:2024-07

    Pipes and fittings for subsoil drainage of trafficked areas and underground engineering - Part 1: Pipes, fittings and their joints made from PCV-U, PP and PE
    1/7/2024 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    86,00 €

  • DIN/TS 4262-2:2024-07

    Pipes and fittings for subsoil drainage of trafficked areas and underground engineering - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity for pipes, fittings and their joints made from PVC-U, PP and PE
    1/7/2024 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    37,00 €

  • BS ISO 13265:2024 + Redline

    Tracked Changes. Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Joints for buried non-pressure applications. Test method for the long-term sealing performance of joints with elastomeric seals by estimating the sealing pressure
    31/5/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    252,00 €

  • BS ISO 13265:2024

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Joints for buried non-pressure applications. Test method for the long-term sealing performance of joints with elastomeric seals by estimating the sealing pressure
    28/5/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    180,00 €

  • ISO 13265:2024

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage — Joints for buried non-pressure applications — Test method for the long-term sealing performance of joints with elastomeric seals by estimating the sealing pressure
    22/5/2024 - Papier - Inglés -
    Más información
    110,00 €

  • DIN 1986-3:2024-05

    Drainage systems on private ground - Part 3: Specifications for service and maintenance.
    1/5/2024 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    80,00 €

  • DIN CEN/TS 14632:2024-04

    Plastics piping systems for drainage, sewerage and water supply, pressure and non-pressure - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) - Guidance for the assessment of conformity, German version CEN/TS 14632:2023
    1/4/2024 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    92,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-14:2024

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 14: Disinfection
    20/3/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 79,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-6:2024

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 6: Activated sludge process
    20/3/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 113,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-13:2024

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 13: Chemical treatment - Treatment of wastewater by precipitation/flocculation
    20/3/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 74,00 €

  • UNE-EN 1401-1:2020+A1:2024

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
    20/3/2024 - - -
    Más información
    De: 88,00 €

  • BS ISO 24511:2024 + Redline

    Tracked Changes. Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services. Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services
    13/3/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    528,00 €

  • BS ISO 24511:2024

    Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services. Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services
    8/3/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    377,00 €

  • DIN EN 13476-1:2024-03

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: General requirements and performance characteristics, German and English version prEN 13476-1:2024
    1/3/2024 - PDF - Inglés, Alemán -
    Más información
    93,00 €

  • DIN EN 17670-2:2024-03

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance of surface water - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specification for road gullies, German version EN 17670-2:2023
    1/3/2024 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    126,00 €

  • NF ISO 24511, P15-921 (03/2024)

    Activités relatives aux services de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement - Lignes directrices pour la gestion des services publics d'assainissement et pour l'évaluation des services fournis
    1/3/2024 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    144,67 €

  • DIN EN 13476-2:2024-03

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and external surface and the system, Type A, German and English version prEN 13476-2:2024
    1/3/2024 - PDF - Inglés, Alemán -
    Más información
    132,00 €

  • DIN CEN/TS 13598-3:2024-03

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Assessment of conformity, German version CEN/TS 13598-3:2021.
    1/3/2024 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    88,00 €

  • DIN EN 13476-3:2024-03

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and profiled external surface and the system, Type B, German and English version prEN 13476-3:2024
    1/3/2024 - PDF - Inglés, Alemán -
    Más información
    132,00 €

  • ISO 24511:2024

    Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services
    19/2/2024 - - -
    Más información
    223,00 €

  • 24/30481210 DC:2024

    BS EN 13476-1 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) polyethylene (PE) Part 1: General requirements performance characteristics
    15/2/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    24,00 €

  • ASTM F2562/F2562M-24

    Specification for Steel Reinforced Thermoplastic Ribbed Pipe and Fittings for Non-Pressure Drainage and Sewerage
    15/2/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    66,00 €

  • 24/30481213 DC:2024

    BS EN 13476-2 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) polyethylene (PE) Part 2: Specifications pipes fittings with smooth internal external surface the system, Type A
    15/2/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    24,00 €

  • ASTM F2562/F2562M-24 + Redline

    Specification for Steel Reinforced Thermoplastic Ribbed Pipe and Fittings for Non-Pressure Drainage and Sewerage
    15/2/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    79,00 €

  • BS EN 12201-5:2024 + Redline

    Tracked Changes. Plastics piping systems for water supply, and drains sewers under pressure. Polyethylene (PE) Fitness purpose of the system
    14/2/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    235,00 €

  • BS EN 12201-5:2024

    Plastics piping systems for water supply, and drains sewers under pressure. Polyethylene (PE) Fitness purpose of the system
    7/2/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    180,00 €

  • ASTM C1903-24

    Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Duct Bank
    1/1/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    66,00 €

  • ASTM C1903-24 + Redline

    Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Duct Bank
    1/1/2024 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    79,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-11:2023

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 11: General data required
    20/12/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 68,00 €

  • UNE-EN ISO 11296-9:2023

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 9: Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer (ISO 11296-9:2022)
    20/12/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 85,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-4:2023

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 4: Primary treatment
    20/12/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 74,00 €

  • DIN CEN/TS 1046:2023-12

    Thermoplastics piping and ducting systems - Outside the building structures for gravity and pressurised systems - Trench installation, German version CEN/TS 1046:2021
    1/12/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    84,00 €

  • UNE-EN 14758-1:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
    22/11/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 89,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12889:2023

    Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
    15/11/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 99,00 €

  • BS EN 17670-2:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance of surface water. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) Specification road gullies
    8/11/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    348,00 €

  • UNE-CEN/TS 14632:2023

    Plastics piping systems for drainage, sewerage and water supply, pressure and non-pressure - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) - Guidance for the assessment of conformity (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in November of 2023.)
    3/11/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    76,00 €

  • NBN EN 17670-2:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance of surface water - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specification for road gullies
    2/11/2023 - PDF - Francés -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • NBN EN 17670-2:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance of surface water - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specification for road gullies
    2/11/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • NBN EN 17670-2:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance of surface water - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specification for road gullies
    2/11/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • DIN EN 14758-1:2023-11

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system, German version EN 14758-1:2023
    1/11/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    121,00 €

  • NF EN 17670-2, P16-370-2 (11/2023)

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance and storage of non-potable water - Manholes, inspection chambers and road gullies for storm water systems made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene - Systèmes de canalisations en plastique pour le transport et le stockage souterrains sans pression de l'eau non potable - Regards, boîtes d'inspection et de branchement et bouches d'égout pour les réseaux d'eaux pluviales en poly(chlorure de vinyle) non plastifié (PVC-U), en polypropylène (PP)
    1/11/2023 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    119,00 €

  • UNE-EN ISO 13268:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of ring stiffness (ISO 13268:2022)
    31/10/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 60,00 €

  • UNE-EN ISO 13266:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of resistance against surface and traffic loading (ISO 13266:2022)
    31/10/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 57,00 €

  • UNE-EN ISO 13267:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics inspection chamber and manhole bases - Test methods for buckling resistance (ISO 13267:2022)
    31/10/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 63,00 €

  • NBN ISO 4982:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance and storage of non-potable water — Arch-shaped, corrugated wall chambers made of PE or PP used for retention, detention, storage and transportation of storm water systems — Product specifications and performance criteria
    17/10/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-10:2023

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 10: Safety principles
    11/10/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 73,00 €

  • DIN EN ISO 13266:2023-09

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of resistance against surface and traffic loading (ISO 13266:2022), German version EN ISO 13266:2023
    1/9/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    60,00 €

  • DIN EN ISO 13267:2023-09

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics inspection chamber and manhole bases - Test methods for buckling resistance (ISO 13267:2022), German version EN ISO 13267:2023
    1/9/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    73,00 €

  • DIN EN ISO 13268:2023-09

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of ring stiffness (ISO 13268:2022), German version EN ISO 13268:2023
    1/9/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    73,00 €

  • DIN EN ISO 23856:2023-08

    Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply, drainage or sewerage - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin (ISO 23856:2021), German version EN ISO 23856:2021.
    1/8/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    158,00 €

  • DIN 19544:2023-08

    Vitrified clay pipe systems for drains and sewers - Rehabilitation of pipe joints
    1/8/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    86,00 €

  • PD CEN/TS 14632:2023 + Redline

    Tracked Changes. Plastics piping systems for drainage, sewerage and water supply, pressure and non-pressure. Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP). Guidance for the assessment of conformity
    5/7/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    410,00 €

  • PD CEN/TS 14632:2023

    Plastics piping systems for drainage, sewerage and water supply, pressure and non-pressure. Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP). Guidance for the assessment of conformity
    30/6/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    293,00 €

  • CEN/TS 14632:2023

    Plastics piping systems for drainage, sewerage and water supply, pressure and non-pressure - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) - Guidance for the assessment of conformity
    29/6/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • CEN/TS 14632:2023

    Plastics piping systems for drainage, sewerage and water supply, pressure and non-pressure - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) - Guidance for the assessment of conformity
    29/6/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • ISO 4982:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance and storage of non-potable water — Arch-shaped, corrugated wall chambers made of PE or PP used for retention, detention, storage and transportation of storm water systems — Product specifications and performance criteria
    27/6/2023 - Papier - Inglés -
    Más información
    199,00 €

  • BS EN 14758-1:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD) Specifications pipes, fittings the system
    13/6/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    331,00 €

  • DIN 4034-1:2023-06

    Prefabricated concrete manholes, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced - Part 1: Requirements, test methods and marking for drains and sewers in addition to DIN EN 1917:2003-04
    1/6/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    115,00 €

  • DIN 4034-101:2023-06

    Prefabricated concrete manholes, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced - Part 101: Evaluation of conformity for drains and sewers in addition to DIN EN 1917:2003-04
    1/6/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    39,00 €

  • BS EN 1401-1:2019+A1:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) Specifications pipes, fittings the system
    19/5/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    331,00 €

  • ASTM C1802-23

    Standard Specification for Design, Testing, Manufacture, Selection, and Installation of Horizontal Fabricated Metal Access Hatches for Utility, Water, and Wastewater Structures
    1/5/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    94,00 €

  • ASTM C1802-23 + Redline

    Standard Specification for Design, Testing, Manufacture, Selection, and Installation of Horizontal Fabricated Metal Access Hatches for Utility, Water, and Wastewater Structures
    1/5/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    113,00 €

  • NBN EN 14758-1:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
    5/4/2023 - PDF - Francés -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • NBN EN 14758-1:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
    5/4/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • NBN EN 14758-1:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
    5/4/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • 23/30453511 DC:2023

    BS 9295 AMD 1. Guide to the structural design of buried pipelines
    3/4/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    24,00 €

  • NF EN 14758-1, P16-366-1 (04/2023)

    Systèmes de canalisations en plastique pour les branchements et les collecteurs d'assainissement enterrés sans pression - Polypropylène avec modificateurs minéraux (PP-MD) - Partie 1 : spécifications pour les tubes, les raccords et le système
    1/4/2023 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    108,33 €

  • ASTM A964/A964M-23

    Standard Specification for Corrugated Steel Box Culverts
    1/4/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    72,00 €

  • ASTM A964/A964M-23 + Redline

    Standard Specification for Corrugated Steel Box Culverts
    1/4/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    86,00 €

  • 23/30461090 DC:2023

    BS ISO 24511. Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services. Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services
    28/3/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    24,00 €

  • DIN EN 12889:2023-03

    Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers, German version EN 12889:2022
    1/3/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    126,00 €

  • DIN EN ISO 11296-9:2023-03

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 9: Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer (ISO 11296-9:2022), German version EN ISO 11296-9:2022
    1/3/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    110,00 €

  • UNE-EN 1852-1:2018+A1:2023

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene (PP) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
    15/2/2023 - - -
    Más información
    De: 83,00 €

  • 23/30437565 DC:2023

    BS ISO 13265. Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Joints for buried non-pressure applications. Test method for the long-term sealing performance of joints with elastomeric seals by estimating the sealing pressure
    8/2/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    24,00 €

  • BS EN ISO 13266:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes. Determination of resistance against surface and traffic loading
    2/2/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    180,00 €

  • BS EN ISO 13268:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes. Determination of ring stiffness
    25/1/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    180,00 €

  • BS EN ISO 13267:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics inspection chamber and manhole bases. Test methods for buckling resistance
    25/1/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    180,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13267:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics inspection chamber and manhole bases - Test methods for buckling resistance (ISO 13267:2022)
    15/1/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13267:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics inspection chamber and manhole bases - Test methods for buckling resistance (ISO 13267:2022)
    15/1/2023 - PDF - Francés -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13267:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics inspection chamber and manhole bases - Test methods for buckling resistance (ISO 13267:2022)
    15/1/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13266:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of resistance against surface and traffic loading (ISO 13266:2022)
    15/1/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    37,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13266:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of resistance against surface and traffic loading (ISO 13266:2022)
    15/1/2023 - PDF - Francés -
    Más información
    37,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13266:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of resistance against surface and traffic loading (ISO 13266:2022)
    15/1/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    37,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13268:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of ring stiffness (ISO 13268:2022)
    14/1/2023 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13268:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of ring stiffness (ISO 13268:2022)
    14/1/2023 - PDF - Francés -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 13268:2023

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes - Determination of ring stiffness (ISO 13268:2022)
    14/1/2023 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • NF EN ISO 13266, P16-367 (01/2023)

    Systèmes de canalisations thermoplastiques pour branchements et collecteurs d'assainissement enterrés sans pression - Éléments de rehausse thermoplastiques pour boîtes d'inspection et de branchement et regards - Détermination de la résistance aux charges de remblai et de circulation
    1/1/2023 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    48,00 €

  • NF EN ISO 13267, P16-368 (01/2023)

    Systèmes de canalisations thermoplastiques pour branchements et collecteurs d'assainissement enterrés sans pression - Éléments de fond de boîtes d'inspection et de branchement et de regards thermoplastiques - Méthode d'essai de résistance au flambage
    1/1/2023 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    60,67 €

  • NF EN ISO 13268, P16-369 (01/2023)

    Systèmes de canalisations thermoplastiques pour branchements et collecteurs d'assainissement enterrés sans pression - Éléments de rehausse thermoplastiques pour boîtes d'inspection et de branchement et regards - Détermination de la rigidité annulaire
    1/1/2023 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    60,67 €

  • FD P16-009 (01/2023)

    La gestion décentralisée de la pollution des eaux pluviales en milieu urbain - Présentation des solutions disponibles et de leurs spécificités
    1/1/2023 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    108,33 €

  • BS EN 12889:2022 + Redline

    Tracked Changes. Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
    21/12/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    487,00 €

  • UNE-EN 476:2022

    General requirements for components used in drains and sewers
    21/12/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 73,00 €

  • DIN EN 14654-3:2022-12

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Management and control of activities - Part 3: Drain and sewer cleaning, German version EN 14654-3:2021
    1/12/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    86,00 €

  • DIN EN 14654-4:2022-12

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Management and control of activities - Part 4: Control of inputs from users, German version EN 14654-4:2021
    1/12/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    93,00 €

  • DIN EN 14654-1:2022-12

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Management and control of activities - Part 1: General requirements, German version EN 14654-1:2021
    1/12/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    80,00 €

  • DIN EN 14654-2:2022-12

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Management and control of activities - Part 2: Rehabilitation, German version EN 14654-2:2021
    1/12/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    80,00 €

  • BS EN 12889:2022

    Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
    29/11/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    348,00 €

  • ASTM F2304-22

    Standard Practice for Sealing of Sewers Using Chemical Grouting
    15/11/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    66,00 €

  • ASTM F2304-22 + Redline

    Standard Practice for Sealing of Sewers Using Chemical Grouting
    15/11/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    79,00 €

  • BS EN 1852-1:2018+A1:2022

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Polypropylene (PP) Specifications pipes, fittings the system
    8/11/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    293,00 €

  • DIN 2425-4:2022-11

    Plans for Public Utilities, Water Resources and Long-distance Lines - Part 4: Drain and sewer systems outside buildings
    1/11/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    115,00 €

  • ASTM F3618-22

    Standard Practice for Cleaning of Thermoplastic Solid Wall Sanitary Sewer Pipelines
    1/11/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • UNE-EN 16933-1:2022

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Design - Part 1: Layout principles
    26/10/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 68,00 €

  • UNE-EN 14654-3:2022

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Management and control of activities - Part 3: Drain and sewer cleaning
    26/10/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 70,00 €

  • UNE-EN 14654-2:2022

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Management and control of activities - Part 2: Rehabilitation
    26/10/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 69,00 €

  • UNE-EN 14654-4:2022

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Management and control of activities - Part 4: Control of inputs from users
    26/10/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 74,00 €

  • UNE-EN 14654-1:2022

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Management and control of activities - Part 1: General requirements
    26/10/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 68,00 €

  • BS EN ISO 11296-9:2022

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer
    17/10/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    293,00 €

  • NBN EN 12889:2022

    Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
    13/10/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 11296-9:2022

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 9: Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer (ISO 11296-9:2022)
    13/10/2022 - PDF - Francés -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • NBN EN 12889:2022

    Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
    13/10/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • NBN EN 12889:2022

    Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
    13/10/2022 - PDF - Francés -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 11296-9:2022

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 9: Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer (ISO 11296-9:2022)
    13/10/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 11296-9:2022

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 9: Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer (ISO 11296-9:2022)
    13/10/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • NF EN 12889, P16-126 (10/2022)

    Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
    1/10/2022 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    130,67 €

  • DIN EN 16933-1:2022-10

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Design - Part 1: Layout principles, German version EN 16933-1:2022
    1/10/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    73,00 €

  • NF EN 1852-1/IN1, P16-357-1/IN1 (10/2022)

    Systèmes de canalisations en plastique pour les branchements et les collecteurs d'assainissement enterrés sans pression - Polypropylène (PP) - Partie 1 : spécifications pour tubes, raccords et le système
    1/10/2022 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    23,00 €

  • DIN 2460:2022-10

    Steel water pipes and fittings.
    1/10/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    126,00 €

  • NF EN 1852-1+A1, P16-357-1 (10/2022)

    Systèmes de canalisations en plastique pour les branchements et les collecteurs d'assainissement enterrés sans pression - Polypropylène (PP) - Partie 1 : spécifications pour tubes, raccords et le système
    1/10/2022 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    99,33 €

  • BS EN 476:2022 + Redline

    Tracked Changes. General requirements for components used in drains and sewers
    13/9/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    382,00 €

  • ISO 11296-9:2022

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks
    13/9/2022 - - -
    Más información
    174,00 €

  • DIN EN 476:2022-09

    General requirements for components used in drains and sewers, German version EN 476:2022
    1/9/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    99,00 €

  • ASTM F3097-22 + Redline

    Standard Practice for Installation of an Outside Sewer Service Cleanout through a Minimally Invasive Small Bore Vacuum Excavation and Same Day Restoration
    1/9/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    69,00 €

  • ASTM F3097-22

    Standard Practice for Installation of an Outside Sewer Service Cleanout through a Minimally Invasive Small Bore Vacuum Excavation and Same Day Restoration
    1/9/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • BS 5911-3:2022

    Concrete pipes and ancillary concrete products manholes, inspection chambers soakaways (complementary to BS EN 1917:2002). Specification
    31/8/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    293,00 €

  • ASTM F1499-22 + Redline

    Standard Specification for Coextruded Composite Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe (DWV)
    1/7/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    79,00 €

  • ASTM F1499-22

    Standard Specification for Coextruded Composite Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe (DWV)
    1/7/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    66,00 €

  • ISO 13266:2022

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage — Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes — Determination of resistance against surface and traffic loading
    15/6/2022 - - -
    Más información
    48,00 €

  • ISO 13268:2022

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage — Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes — Determination of ring stiffness
    15/6/2022 - - -
    Más información
    72,00 €

  • ISO 13267:2022

    Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage — Thermoplastics inspection chamber and manhole bases — Test methods for buckling resistance
    15/6/2022 - - -
    Más información
    72,00 €

  • DIN 3603:2022-06

    Test methods for cyclic load change internal pressure tests for the renovation and repair of sewage pressure pipe systems
    1/6/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    73,00 €

  • UNE-EN 13476-2:2019+A1:2022

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and external surface and the system, Type A
    25/5/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 101,00 €

  • UNE-EN 13476-3:2019+A1:2022

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and profiled external surface and the system, Type B
    25/5/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 102,00 €

  • UNE-EN ISO 11296-7:2022

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 7: Lining with spirally-wound pipes (ISO 11296-7:2019)
    25/5/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 74,00 €

  • BS EN 16933-1:2022

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Design Layout principles
    16/5/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    180,00 €

  • BS EN 476:2022

    General requirements for components used in drains and sewers
    13/5/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    293,00 €

  • BS 4660:2022 + Redline

    Tracked Changes. Thermoplastics ancillary fittings of nominal sizes 110 and 160 for belowground gravity drainage and sewerage. Specification
    5/5/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    350,00 €

  • NBN EN 476:2022

    General requirements for components used in drains and sewers
    30/4/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • NBN EN 476:2022

    General requirements for components used in drains and sewers
    30/4/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • NBN EN 476:2022

    General requirements for components used in drains and sewers
    30/4/2022 - PDF - Francés -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • BS 4660:2022

    Thermoplastics ancillary fittings of nominal sizes 110 and 160 for belowground gravity drainage and sewerage. Specification
    26/4/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    250,00 €

  • PD CEN/TS 13598-3:2021 + Redline

    Tracked Changes. Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) polyethylene (PE) Assessment of conformity
    1/4/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    466,00 €

  • NF EN 476, P16-100 (04/2022)

    General requirements for components used in drains and sewers
    1/4/2022 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    86,67 €

  • UNE-EN ISO 23856:2022

    Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply, drainage or sewerage - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin (ISO 23856:2021)
    23/3/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 124,00 €

  • NBN EN 16933-1:2022

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Design - Part 1: Layout principles
    12/3/2022 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    89,00 €

  • NBN EN 16933-1:2022

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Design - Part 1: Layout principles
    12/3/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    89,00 €

  • UNE-EN 13598-1:2022

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specifications for ancillary fittings and shallow chambers
    9/3/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 77,00 €

  • UNE-EN 13598-2:2022

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications for manholes and inspection chambers
    9/3/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 76,00 €

  • UNE-EN 12255-16:2022

    Wastewater treatment plants - Part 16: Physical (mechanical) filtration
    9/3/2022 - - -
    Más información
    De: 74,00 €

  • BS EN 752:2017

    Drain and sewer systems outside buildings. Sewer system management
    1/3/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    377,00 €

  • NF EN 16933-1, P16-333-1 (03/2022)

    Réseaux d'évacuation et d'assainissement à l'extérieur des bâtiments - Conception - Partie 1 : principes d'implantation
    1/3/2022 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    75,67 €

  • NF EN ISO 11295, T54-949 (02/2022)

    Plastics piping systems used for the rehabilitation of pipelines - Classification and overview of strategic and operational activities
    1/2/2022 - Papier - Francés -
    Más información
    144,67 €

  • UNE-CEN/TS 13598-3:2021

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Assessment of conformity (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in February of 2022.)
    1/2/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    78,00 €

  • ASTM F2510/F2510M-22

    Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures and Corrugated Dual- and Triple-Wall Polyethylene and Polypropylene Pipes
    15/1/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    58,00 €

  • ASTM F2510/F2510M-22 + Redline

    Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures and Corrugated Dual- and Triple-Wall Polyethylene and Polypropylene Pipes
    15/1/2022 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    69,00 €

  • PD CEN/TS 13598-3:2021

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) polyethylene (PE) Assessment of conformity
    14/12/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    331,00 €

  • CEN/TS 13598-3:2021

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Assessment of conformity
    26/11/2021 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • CEN/TS 13598-3:2021

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Assessment of conformity
    26/11/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • UNE-EN ISO 11296-4:2018/A1:2021

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes - Amendment 1: Updated definitions, marking requirements and procedure for alternative expression of flexural test results (ISO 11296-4:2018/Amd 1:2021)
    3/11/2021 - - -
    Más información
    De: 52,00 €

  • ASTM F2947/F2947M-21a + Redline

    Standard Specification for 150 to 1500 mm [6 to 60 in.] Annular Corrugated Profile-Wall Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings for Sanitary Sewer Applications
    1/11/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    79,00 €

  • DIN EN ISO 11296-4:2021-11

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes (ISO 11296-4:2018 + Amd 1:2021), German version EN ISO 11296-4:2018 + A1:2021
    1/11/2021 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    132,00 €

  • ASTM F2306/F2306M-21

    Standard Specification for 300 mm to 1500 mm [12 in. to 60 in.] Annular Corrugated Profile-Wall Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings for Non-Pressure Gravity-Flow Storm Sewer and Subsurface Drainage Applications
    1/11/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    66,00 €

  • ASTM F2947/F2947M-21a

    Standard Specification for 150 to 1500 mm [6 to 60 in.] Annular Corrugated Profile-Wall Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings for Sanitary Sewer Applications
    1/11/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    66,00 €

  • ASTM F2306/F2306M-21 + Redline

    Standard Specification for 300 mm to 1500 mm [12 in. to 60 in.] Annular Corrugated Profile-Wall Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings for Non-Pressure Gravity-Flow Storm Sewer and Subsurface Drainage Applications
    1/11/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    79,00 €

  • NBN/DTD B 21-106:2021

    Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced - National supplement to NBN EN 1916:2002
    22/10/2021 - - -
    Más información
    121,00 €

  • UNE-CEN/TS 1046:2021

    Thermoplastics piping and ducting systems - Outside the building structures for gravity and pressurised systems - Trench installation (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in September of 2021.)
    1/9/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    72,00 €

  • BS EN ISO 23856:2021

    Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply, drainage or sewerage. Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin
    9/7/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    377,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 23856:2021

    Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply, drainage or sewerage - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin (ISO 23856:2021)
    5/7/2021 - PDF - Alemán -
    Más información
    184,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 23856:2021

    Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply, drainage or sewerage - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin (ISO 23856:2021)
    5/7/2021 - - -
    Más información
    184,00 €

  • NBN/DTD B 21-101:2021

    Concrete manholes and inspection chambers, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced – National supplement to NBN EN 1917:2002
    29/6/2021 - - -
    Más información
    142,00 €

  • ISO 23856:2021

    Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply, drainage or sewerage — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin
    15/6/2021 - - -
    Más información
    223,00 €

  • BS EN ISO 11296-4:2018+A1:2021

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks Lining with cured-in-place pipes
    14/6/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    348,00 €

  • PD CEN/TS 1046:2021

    Thermoplastics piping and ducting systems. Outside the building structures for gravity and pressurised systems. Trench installation
    9/6/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    293,00 €

  • DIN EN 17670-1:2021-06

    Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground conveyance and storage of non-potable water - Manholes, inspection chambers and road gullies for storm water systems made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specifications for storm water manholes and inspection chambers, German and English version prEN 17670-1:2021
    1/6/2021 - PDF - Inglés, Alemán -
    Más información
    105,00 €

  • CEN/TS 1046:2021

    Thermoplastics piping and ducting systems - Outside the building structures for gravity and pressurised systems - Trench installation
    28/5/2021 - PDF - Inglés -
    Más información
    163,00 €

  • NBN EN ISO 11296-4:2018/A1:2021

    Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks - Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes - Amendment 1: Updated definitions, marking requirements and procedure for alternative expression of flexural test results (ISO 11296-4:2018/Amd 1:2021)
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  • CEN/TS 1046:2021

    Thermoplastics piping and ducting systems - Outside the building structures for gravity and pressurised systems - Trench installation
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  • NBN ISO 16611:2021

    Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage without pressure — Non-circular pipes and joints made of glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resins (UP) — Dimensions, requirements and tests
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  • 21/30425782 DC:2021

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  • DIN EN 12201-2:2021-05

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  • DIN EN 12201-3:2021-05

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  • ASTM D7082-21

    Standard Specification for Polyethylene Stay In Place Form System for End Walls for Drainage Pipe
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  • ASTM D7082-21 + Redline

    Standard Specification for Polyethylene Stay In Place Form System for End Walls for Drainage Pipe
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  • 21/30432478 DC:2021

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