FEM 10.2.10 :2012-03

FEM 10.2.10 :2012-03

Storage systems with rail dependent storage and retrieval equipment - Interfaces

302,50 €


This FEM Document 10.2.10 (9.841) has been prepared by the FEM (European Federation of Material Handling) Product Groups "Intralogistic Systems" and "Racking and Shelving" to give guidance to end-users, system designers/planners, contractors and sub contractors. This Code of Practice specifies also the position, obligations and responsibilities of the parties involved.

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Información adicional

Autor FEM (European Materials Handling Federation)
Publicado por FEM
Tipo de Documento Prefijo
ICS 53.020.99 : Otros equipos de elevación
Peso(kg.) 3.0250
Palabra clave FEM10210