Collection prEN réseau 4 utilisateurs simultanés

Collection prEN réseau 4 utilisateurs simultanés

Complete collection of draft prEN standards

annual subscription -12 months

7.486,88 €


Complete set of prEN (ASD-STAN)

ASD-STAN is an industrial association which establishes, develops and maintains standards on behalf of that European Aerospace Industry. ASD-STAN is holding the CEN Technical Committee for Aerospace and developed more than 3000 European Standards. Currently 2288 European Standards are published as an European Norm (EN) by CEN and its members. (see here for more information about ASD-STAN). ASD-STAN covers several standardization areas in the Aerospace and Defence sector.

Información adicional

Tipo de Documento Colección de normas
ICS 49 : Ingenieria aeronautica y de vehiculos espaciales
Palabra clave aecma asdstan asd-stan SET prEN projet de normes aéronautiques prEN collection PREN SET
Formulario de pedido