ATIS 0600337.2019

ATIS 0600337.2019

Requirements for Maximum Voltage, Current, and Power Levels Used in Communications Circuits

118,00 €


This document provides a summary of the maximum dc steady-state and duration limited voltage, current, and power limits to be maintained when telecommunications systems provide or receive power over conventional telecommunications twisted-pair conductors/cabling.

Información adicional

Autor The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Publicado por ATIS
Tipo de Documento Norma
Tema /subgroups/34540
Número de páginas 22
Reemplaza ATIS 0600337.2016,ATIS 0600337.2010,ATIS 0600337.2010 [pre-pub],ATIS 0600337.2004
Palabra clave ATIS 0600337.2019
ANSI Approved