ARINC Specification 858P1-1:2024

ARINC Specification 858P1-1:2024

858P1-1 Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) for Aeronautical Safety Services, Part 1, Technical Requirements

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ARINC 858 Part 1 defines the airborne data communication network infrastructure for aviation safety services using the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS). ARINC 858 builds upon ICAO Doc 9896, Manual on the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) using Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) Standards and Protocol. IPS will extend the useful life of data comm services presently used by operators, e.g., VDL, Inmarsat SBB, Iridium NEXT, and others. It represents the evolutionary path from ACARS and ATN/OSI to the end state: ATN/IPS. ARINC 858 includes advanced capabilities such as aviation security and mobility. This product was developed in coordination with ICAO WG-I, RTCA SC-223, and EUROCAE WG-108.

Información adicional

Autor SAE-ITC, ARINC Industry Activities
Publicado por ARINC
Tipo de Documento Norma
Edición 1
ICS 49.095 : Instalaciones y equipos para la cabina de pasajeros
Número de páginas 161
Reemplaza ARINC Specification 858P1:2021
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