UIC 30398:2019-02

UIC 30398:2019-02

UIC Railway Statistics

330,00 €


Production of the International Railway Statistics yearbook involves data collection as a first step: - provisional data (monthly data, annual KPIs), - final data (global annual data and five-year data). The second step is to prepare: - reports with provisional data (i.e. quarterly trends compiled from monthly data, the Synopsis publication compiled from annual KPIs), - yearbook with final data in electronic format, - reports containing indicators derived from final annual data in electronic format (financial and railway activity indicators, timeseries and maps). In a final step, the data and statistical indicators are disseminated, via RAILISA, the UIC Extranet, the website and in conventional documents, maintaining confidentiality in the process. AuthorISBN978-2-7461-2801-9Pages17

Zusätzliche Information

Autor International union of railways/Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC)
Veröffentlicht von UIC
Document type Normen
Thema Statistics Statistiques
Ausgabe Ed. no.1
EAN ISBN 978-2-7461-2801-9
Seitenzahl 17
Schlagwort UIC Railway Statistics