ISO/TS 23164:2025

ISO/TS 23164:2025

Automation systems and integration — Core vocabulary for industrial data

204,00 €


This document specifies a vocabulary for industrial data that defines generic terms for things that exist in more than one industrial domain. The following are within the scope of this document: — definition of terms for generic types of industrial thing, EXAMPLE 1 Definitions of the terms “material object”, “artefact” and “product” are within the vocabulary. — definition of terms relevant to assemblies, systems and their breakdown structures, — definition of terms relevant to activities and participation in activities, — definition of terms relevant to positions and roles in organizations, — definition of terms relevant to behaviour, capability and function, — definition of terms relevant to state and condition, — definition of terms relevant to specifications, designs and plans, — definition of terms relevant to versions, alternatives and configurations for specifications, designs and plans, — definition of terms relevant to signals and other carriers of information and to devices that process signals and information, — definition of terms relevant to physical quantities and properties. The following are outside the scope of this document: — definition of terms that are relevant to data themselves, rather than the things that data are about, EXAMPLE 2 Definitions of the terms “data” and “information” are not within the vocabulary. — definition of terms that are relevant to representations. EXAMPLE 3 Definitions of the terms “representation” and “model” are not within the vocabulary.

Zusätzliche Information

Autor International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Komitee ISO/TC 184/SC 4
Veröffentlicht von ISO
Document type Normen
Ausgabe 1
ICS 01.040.25 : Produktionstechnik (Vokabeln)
25.040.01 : Industrielle Automationssysteme allgemein
Seitenzahl 39
Gewicht(kg.) 0.1663
Schlagwort ISO/TS 23164:2025