IEEE 1588a:2023

IEEE 1588a:2023

IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems Amendment 3: Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Enhancements for Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) Mechanisms

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Amendment Standard - Active.
Updates to information and messages for the Enhanced Accuracy TLV are provided in this amendment to IEEE 1588-2019. This amendment also clarifies the operation of the best master clock algorithm (BMCA), provides a new annex about the default BMCA, corrects errors in the text, and clarifies unclear passages.

This amendment: a) Enhances existing mechanisms and creates new ones that contain information about the time accuracy to support execution of BMCAs, while maintaining backward compatibility, or assist in the development of alternate BMCAs, b) Provides informative text to explain the execution of the BMCA, c) Provides informative text to guide the creation of alternate BMCAs, d) Provides an optional mechanism for managing Announce timeout, and e) Corrects errors in the text and clarifies passages that are unclear.

Zusätzliche Information

Autor Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Komitee TC9 - Sensor Technology
Veröffentlicht von IEEE
Document type Abänderung Standard
EAN ISBN 979-8-8557-0288-0
ICS 39.040.99 : Andere Zeitmessinstrumente
Seitenzahl 54
ändert IEEE 1588:2019
Schlagwort IEEE 1588a-2023