CLSI NBS05:2019

CLSI NBS05:2019

Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis, 2nd Edition, NBS05Ed2E

193,00 €


This guideline describes newborn screening laboratory tests for detecting analytes and genetic markers associated with cystic fibrosis (CF). It includes both the first-tier and second-tier screening tests performed on newborn dried blood spot specimens, as well as the screening strategies for identifying newborns at increased risk for developing CF.

Zusätzliche Information

Autor Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)
Veröffentlicht von CLSI
Document type Normen
Thema /subgroups/17906
Ausgabe 2
EAN ISBN 9781684400652
Seitenzahl 86
Ersetzt CLSI NBS05-A,CLSI I/LA35-A
Schlagwort CLSI NBS05