Chapter 3 - Resource Considerations, Load Research Manual, Third Edition:2017

Chapter 3 - Resource Considerations, Load Research Manual, Third Edition:2017

Test methods for electrical steel strip and sheet -- Part 3: Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel strip and sheet at medium frequencies

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This chapter builds on the previous Program Objectives chapter to identify resource areas and their requirements, purpose and function, applications and capabilities. These Load Research resources can be grouped into four basic areas including 1) Metering devices capable of generating and storing required data elements, 2) Data retrieval, 3) Data processing systems for storage, editing, and analysis of data, and 4) Labor.

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Autor Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
Veröffentlicht von AEIC
Document type Leitfaden
Thema /subgroups/53881
Seitenzahl 20
Schlagwort Chapter 3 - Resource Considerations, Load Research Manual, Third Edition