APQP Edition 3 & CP Edition 1:2024 set of 2 books

APQP Edition 3 & CP Edition 1:2024 set of 2 books

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) Reference Manual

Control Plan

224,00 €


Focusing on the "why" behind the "what" and "when," the APQP 3rd edition manual addresses how to improve successful new product launches, with updates to reflect agile product management, and new sections on sourcing, change management, APQP program metrics, risk assessment mitigation plans, and gated management. Along with the removal of Control Plan content - now a standalone document - further revisions include new information on "part traceability," various checklists, and examples of several common analytical techniques used during the APQP process to help enhance your understanding.

Now a standalone document, the Control Plan 1st edition manual provides clarification on various requirements, further explanation on linkages to APQP processes, and detailed guidance on how to develop Control Plans, along with industry best practices for effectively using these plans. Additional updates include the introduction of a “Safe Launch” requirement to Control Plan phases, examples of developing plans for highly automated manufacturing applications, guidance on using software to develop and manage Control Plans, and revised examples, tables, forms, and checklists for additional support.

Zusätzliche Information

Autor Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
Veröffentlicht von AIAG
Document type Leitfaden
ICS 03.120.10 : Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätssicherung
43.020 : Straßenfahrzeuge im Allgemeinen
Seitenzahl 194
Ersetzt APQP Edition 2:2008
Gewicht(kg.) 0.6500
Sammlung Core Tools 6 Book Bundle - english, Core Tools 7 Book Bundle - english

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