ATIS 0600017.2020

ATIS 0600017.2020

Non-Halogenated DC Power Wire and Cable for Telecommunications Power Systems

155,00 €


This standard establishes a minimum requirement for Non-Halogenated DC power cable used to connect telecommunications DC power systems to telecommunications load equipment. It will also be used to interconnect elements of the DC power system..

Zusätzliche Information

Autor The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Veröffentlicht von ATIS
Document type Normen
Thema /subgroups/34540
Seitenzahl 33
Ersetzt ATIS 0600017.2014,ATIS 0600017.2009,ATIS 0600017.2009 [pre-pub]
Schlagwort ATIS 0600017.2020