ATIS 0300003.2017:2016 (R2022)

ATIS 0300003.2017:2016 (R2022)

XML Schema Interface for Fault Management (Trouble Administration)

503,00 €


This standard provides an XML schema information model for Trouble Administration and an XML schema interface for Trouble Administration functions and services. Additional information from the original CMIP-based Trouble Administration standards ATIS-0300227.2008 and ATIS-0300228.2011 can be found in informative annexes to this document. It is the intention that this document be used for current implementations of Electronic Bonding, which to this Committee's knowledge are all implemented using XML. The informative annexes have been included here so as not to lose context information that may still prove to be of value.

Zusätzliche Information

Autor The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Veröffentlicht von ATIS
Document type Normen
Thema /subgroups/31872
Datum der Bestätigung 2022-01-01
Seitenzahl 256
Ersetzt ATIS 0300003.2015,ATIS 0300003.2012,ATIS 0300003.2010,ATIS 0300003.2010 [pre-pub],ATIS 0300003.2008 [pre-pub]
Schlagwort ATIS 0300003.2017
ANSI Approved