ANSI/NEMA IM 60000-2021

ANSI/NEMA IM 60000-2021

Industrial Laminated Thermosetting Products

536,00 €


Covers the manufacture, testing, and performance of laminated thermosetting products in the form of sheets, rods, and tubes. It also includes a new format that consolidates the requirements for the physical and electrical properties of the individual NEMA Grades. Previously designated as NEMA LI 1-1998 (R2011).

Zusätzliche Information

Autor National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
Veröffentlicht von NEMA
Document type Normen
Thema /subgroups/33
Seitenzahl 227
Ersetzt NEMA LI 1-1998 (R2011)
Schlagwort ANSI/NEMA IM 60000-2021
ANSI Approved