AIAG M-12:2007

AIAG M-12:2007

Business Continuity Planning for the Automotive Supply Chain

123,97 €


This guide serves as an aid for automotive suppliers in the development of their business continuity programs and can be adapted for small, medium and large organizations. It can also be used to validate an existing business continuity program. This document replaces the original Crisis Management for the Automotive Supply Chain which focused on emergency responses. It has been expanded to include all elements of business continuity planning including emergency, communications, business resumption planning and IT disaster recovery

Zusätzliche Information

Autor Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
Veröffentlicht von AIAG
Document type Normen
Ausgabe 1
EAN ISBN 978-1-60-534070-89
ICS 03.120.10 : Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätssicherung
43.020 : Straßenfahrzeuge im Allgemeinen
Seitenzahl 89
Gewicht(kg.) 0.2513
Schlagwort M-12