Zero Acceptance Number Sampling Plans, Fifth Edition:2008

Zero Acceptance Number Sampling Plans, Fifth Edition:2008

American Society for Quality, 2008

52,00 €


This book provides a set of attribute plans for lot-by-lot inspection with the acceptance number in all cases as zero. After years of extensive application by government contractors, commercial manufacturing, and service industries, these c=0 sampling plans are now considered stand alone sampling plans. They have continually gained in popularity for more than 45 years, and today are the norm.

The zero acceptance number plans developed by the author were originally designed and used to provide equal or greater consumer protection with less overall inspection than the corresponding MIL-STD-105-E sampling plans. In 2000, the Department of Defense declared MIL-STD-105-E obsolete and recommended the c=0 plans in this book for use in place of them. In addition to the economic advantages, the plans in this book are also simple to use and administer.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur American Society for Quality (ASQ)
Edité par ASQ
Type de document Livre
EAN ISBN 9780873897396
Nombre de pages 48
Remplace Zero Acceptance Number Sampling Plans
Mot-clé Zero Acceptance Number Sampling Plans, Fifth Edition