UIC 50537:2016-11

UIC 50537:2016-11

Railway Application - Rolling Stock - Pipe connections for wagons equipped for pneumatic discharge

605,00 €


This document has been reviewed under the Systematic Review process in 2023 and does not require any textual changes (October 2022). This IRS forms part of a set which includes: - UIC Leaflet 570: Wagons - Interchangeable parts - UIC Leaflet 573: Technical conditions for the construction of tank wagons Auteur UIC ISBN 978-2-7461-2530-8 Pages 18

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur International union of railways/Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC)
Edité par UIC
Type de document Norme
Thème Wagon Powdered substance Pipe Pneumatic discharge Shut-off valve Pipe connections
Edition révision n° 0
EAN ISBN 978-2-7461-2530-8
Nombre de pages 18
Mot-clé Railway Application - Rolling Stock - Pipe connections for wagons equipped for pneumatic discharge