NBN ISO/TR 23786:2020

NBN ISO/TR 23786:2020

Véhicules routiers — Solutions relatives à l'accès à distance du véhicule — Critères d'évaluation des risques

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This document identifies criteria that can be considered for assessing the risks related to solutions for remote access to road vehicles, including extended vehicles (ExVe) and their implementation.
Internal communication within the vehicle or the ExVe is out of the scope of this document.
Cybersecurity risks related to the VM infrastructure (except the elements that are part of the extended vehicle) and the road-side equipment are out of the scope of this document.
The criteria identified in this document are also applicable in the case of a risk assessment related to the specification of remote communication solutions, for example a technical standard.
The list of criteria that is provided can be considered as sufficiently comprehensive but not exhaustive, from a global point of view, to allow coherent risk mitigation, if such mitigation is necessary.
This document does not suggest nor specify any methodology for performing a risk assessment.
It does not aim at replacing any methodology, technical specification or standard relative to one or other specific type of risks (for example cyber security risks).

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur Bureau de Normalisation Belge (NBN)
Comité NBN/I02231
Edité par NBN
Type de document Norme
ICS 43.040.15 : Informatique automobile. systèmes informatiques embarqués
Nombre de pages 22
Historique No
Mot-clé NBN ISO/TR 23786:2020
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