NBN ISO 23239-1:2021

NBN ISO 23239-1:2021

Véhicules routiers — Service du domaine du véhicule (SDV) — Partie 1: Information générale et définitions des cas d'utilisation

184,00 €


This document, as the first document in the ISO 23239 series, provides a basic definition of vehicle
domain service and supplementary information on detailed concepts, as well as definitions of the
typical and supplementary use cases being used to define the specification of applications.
Detailed specifications of communications and applications are provided in other documents in the
ISO 23239 series, and they are not provided in this document.
NOTE The remote processes by the tools connected to the on-board diagnosis (OBD) connector in a vehicle,
such as repair and maintenance, prognostics, monitoring, configuration and reprogramming of vehicle are out of
the scope of this document.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur Bureau de Normalisation Belge (NBN)
Comité NBN/I02231
Edité par NBN
Type de document Norme
ICS 43.040.15 : Informatique automobile. systèmes informatiques embarqués
Nombre de pages 64
Historique No
Mot-clé NBN ISO 23239-1:2021
Bon de commande