NBN ISO 21806-14:2021

NBN ISO 21806-14:2021

Véhicules routiers — Système de transport axé sur les médias — Partie 14: Couche d'application allégée

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This document specifies the technical requirements for the lean application layer for MOST, a
synchronous time-division-multiplexing network.
The lean application layer includes a specification of the services available to control the configuration
and behaviour of the network management.
The lean application layer covers the definition of:
— node kinds,
— node addressing,
— data transport,
— network configuration,
— lean network services interface,
— network management, including connection management,
— diagnosis, and
— timing definitions.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur Bureau de Normalisation Belge (NBN)
Comité NBN/I02231
Edité par NBN
Type de document Norme
ICS 43.040.15 : Informatique automobile. systèmes informatiques embarqués
Nombre de pages 66
Historique No
Mot-clé NBN ISO 21806-14:2021
Bon de commande