NBN ISO 17987-3:2020

NBN ISO 17987-3:2020

Véhicules routiers — Réseau Internet local (LIN) — Partie 3: Spécification du protocole

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This document specifies the LIN protocol including the signal management, frame transfer, schedule table handling, task behaviour and status management and LIN master and slave node. It contains also OSI layer 5 properties according to ISO 14229-7 UDSonLIN-based node configuration and identification services (SID: B016 to B816) belonging to the core protocol specification.
A node (normally a master node) that is connected to more than one LIN network is handled by higher layers (i.e. the application) not within the scope of this document.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur Bureau de Normalisation Belge (NBN)
Comité NBN/I02231
Edité par NBN
Type de document Norme
ICS 43.040.15 : Informatique automobile. systèmes informatiques embarqués
Nombre de pages 17
Historique No
Mot-clé NBN ISO 17987-3:2020
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