ISO/DIS 8000-220:2025

ISO/DIS 8000-220:2025

Data quality

75,00 €


This deliverable specifies quality measures for quantitatively measuring quality characteristics of sensor data, where these characteristics are specified by ISO 8000-210. The following are within the scope of this deliverable: — fundamental principles and assumptions for measuring the quality of sensor data, — quality measures for sensor data, with respect to applicable quality characteristics and corresponding data anomalies. The following are outside the scope of this deliverable: — specific values for each measure, where the value indicates a distinction between, for example, good quality and poor quality, — methods to improve the quality of sensor data.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Comité ISO/TC 184/SC 4
Edité par ISO
Type de document Projet de norme
Edition révision n° 1
ICS 25.040.40 : Mesure et contrôle des processus industriels
Nombre de pages 17
Poids (kg.) 0.13
Mot-clé ISO/DIS 8000-220