ISO/DIS 18985:2024

ISO/DIS 18985:2024

Recycled aggregates for concrete

75,00 €


?A new International Standard in the area of concrete technology, with specific scope on use of recycled aggregates for concrete, which are produced from construction and demolition wastes including demolished concrete and demolished masonry units. Recycled aggregates include both coarse aggregates and fine aggregates.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Comité ISO/TC 71/SC 3
Edité par ISO
Type de document Projet de norme
Edition révision n° 1
ICS 91.100.30 : Béton et produits en béton
Nombre de pages 17
Poids (kg.) 0.13
Mot-clé ISO/DIS 18985