ISO/DIS 10545-23:2025

ISO/DIS 10545-23:2025

Carreaux et dalles céramiques

75,00 €


This document specifies a testing method for determining the elastic modulus of glazed and unglazed ceramic tiles and also the modulus of glaze layer at ambient temperature by three-point bending tests. Procedures for test piece preparation, test modes and load rates, data collection and reporting are given. This test method can be used for material research, quality control, characterization and design data-generation purposes.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Comité ISO/TC 189
Edité par ISO
Type de document Projet de norme
Edition révision n° 2
ICS 91.100.23 : Carreaux et dalles en céramique
Nombre de pages 9
Poids (kg.) 0.12
Mot-clé ISO/DIS 10545-23