25 : Techniques de fabrication
GB/T 6739-2022
Paints and varnishes—Determination of film hardness by pencil test
30/12/2022 - PDF - Anglais - CODCHI
En savoir plus172,50 € -
GB/T 10125-2021
Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres—Salt spray tests
20/08/2021 - PDF - Anglais - CODCHI
En savoir plus396,75 € -
GB/T 1732-2020
Determination of impact resistance of coating films
19/11/2020 - PDF - Anglais - CODCHI
En savoir plus120,75 € -
GA 1531-2018
General rules for information management of industrial electronic detonators
01/02/2019 - PDF - Anglais - CODCHI
En savoir plus149,50 € -
GB/T 33008.1-2016
Industrial automation and control system security―Programmable logic controller(PLC)―Part 1:System requirements (English Version)
13/10/2016 - PDF - Anglais - CODCHI
En savoir plus161,00 € -
46,00 €
GB/T 18268.1-2010
Electrical equipment for measurement,control and laboratory use—EMC requirements—Part 1:General requirements (English Version)
14/01/2011 - PDF - Anglais - CODCHI
En savoir plus126,50 € -
46,00 €
GB/T 6461-2002
Methods for corrosion testing of metallic and other inorganic coatings on mtallic substrates--Rating of test speciments and manufactured articles subjected to corrosion tests
11/09/2002 - PDF - Anglais - CODCHI
En savoir plus92,00 €