ICAO Doc 9981:2020

ICAO Doc 9981:2020

Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) - Aerodromes (Doc 9981)-English-Printed

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The PANS-Aerodromes are complementary to the SARPs contained in Annex 14, Volume I.

The PANS-Aerodromes specify, in greater detail than the SARPs, operational procedures to be applied by aerodrome operators to ensure aerodrome operational safety. PANS-Aerodromes specify procedures to be applied by both aerodrome regulators and operators for initial aerodrome certification and continuing aerodrome safety oversight as well as aerodrome compatibility studies, in particular, where full compliance with the SARPs in Annex 14, Volume I,
cannot be achieved.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur OACI/ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
Edité par ICAO
Type de document Norme
Edition révision n° 3
ICS 03.220.50 : Transport aérien
Remplace ICAO Doc 9981:2016
Modifié par ICAO Doc 9981:2021/Amd 01:2020
Poids (kg.) 0.00
Mot-clé ICAO Doc 9981
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