ICAO Doc 9868:2020

ICAO Doc 9868:2020

Procedures For Air Navigation Services - Training - (Doc 9868) -English-Printed

219,00 €


These PANS contain material that provides for the uniform implementation of competency-based training and assessments for the multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) and maintenance personnel. It also includes provisions related to the implementation of evidence-based training in recurrent training in FSTDs and upset prevention and recovery training. This document is complementary to the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing and specifies, in greater detail than in the SARPs, the actual procedures to be applied by training organizations in providing training for aeronautical personnel.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur OACI/ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
Edité par ICAO
Type de document Norme
Edition révision n° 3
ICS 03.220.50 : Transport aérien
Modifié par ICAO 9868 Amd 1-4 (Incorporés dans la présente édition ), ICAO 9868 Amd 5 (2020-11-05), ICAO 9868 Amd 6 (2022-11-03)
Poids (kg.) 0.00
Mot-clé ICAO Doc 9868
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