DOA set of 5 standards

DOA set of 5 standards

Design Organisation Approval standards

ASD-STAN prEN 9250 P1:2016 -Aerospace series - Test organisations-General requirements for test process and capabilities

ASD-STAN prEN 9251 P1:2018-Aerospace series — Flammability Test Organisations Qualification Standard

ASD-STAN prEN 9252 P1:2018-Aerospace series — Assessment of Design Suppliers Managing and Approving Repairs

ASD-STAN prEN 9253 P1:2018-Aerospace series — Surveillance of Aerospace Design Suppliers

ASD-STAN prEN 9255 P1:2018-Aerospace series — Acceptance of supplier’s design capabilities and management of Design Organisation authorisations

643,20 €


The ASD DOA Think Tank is producing technical guidelines to become means of compliance with EASA requirements (Part 21) aiming at simplifying the interface between DOA (Design organisation Approval) holders and their suppliers.

A big effort has been done in 2016 by the ASD-STAN community that was pursued in 2017 and 2018 to bring the necessary credibility to the activity knowing that more and more industry standards are being published to support the EASA suite of requirements.

The first standard in DOA history was the ASD-STAN prEN 9250 published in May 2016. Another 4 standards were published throughout 2018, bringing the total DOA standards to 5.

Informations supplémentaires

Type de document Collection de Normes
ICS 03.120.10 : Management et assurance de la qualité
49.020 : Aéronautique et espace en général
Nombre de pages 165
Bon de commande

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