Checklist for ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017

Checklist for ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017

Checklist For ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017 “System And Software Engineering --- Software Life Cycle Processes”

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330,00 €


This product is a checklist that clarifies what is required by the subject standard. It provides an easy-to-use product evidence list to assist your software professionals in meeting the specifications found in the standard.

Even though you may know what software process standards are supposed to be followed during the design, build, and/or maintenance of a product, how do you know that you are actually following or have followed those standards? Formal standards developed by national and international bodies provide worthwhile, comprehensive guidelines for various software processes, yet they don’t always specify a required, work product (the evidence) that demonstrates that the process has been followed. SEPT checklists are designed to address this problem. They provide you with a list of Evidence Products that should be in place or created during a product design, build, and/or maintenance project.

An evidence product can be a Procedure, Plan, Record, Document, Audit and/or Review. They are the natural, necessary, and helpful precursors or outcomes of following a proven standard process and lead to the successful production of the eventual required end product. Evidence products can also double as interim, measurable work products used for project scheduling and status reporting purposes. Finally, upon project completion, they demonstrate that your product was developed per the appropriate standard.

For each clause within the standard, this checklist itemizes the one or more evidence products that should be created and/or followed to effectively meet the standard and demonstrate compliance to it. This can include evidence products that, although not directly specified in the standard, should be included to comply with generally accepted engineering practices.

This product comes with 4 hours of free consultation. SEPT will answer any question concerning the standard or checklist for 60 days after purchase.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur Software Engineering Process Technology (SEPT)
Edité par SEPT
Type de document Checklist
EAN ISBN 978-0-9819522-1-5
Nombre de pages 222
Mot-clé 95,prod95