Fabrication additive
L'impression 3D ou fabrication additive (FA) regroupe les procédés de fabrication de pièces en volume par ajout ou agglomération de matière, par empilement de couches successives. L'impression 3D permet de réaliser un objet réel : un concepteur dessine l'objet 3D grâce à un outil de conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO). Le fichier 3D obtenu est traité par un logiciel spécifique qui organise le découpage en tranches des différentes couches nécessaires à la réalisation de la pièce. Le découpage est envoyé à l'imprimante 3D qui dépose ou solidifie la matière couche par couche jusqu'à obtenir la pièce finale. Le principe reste proche de celui d'une imprimante 2D classique à cette grande différence près : c'est l'empilement des couches qui crée le volume.
Pour quelles industries :
- Automobile
- Aéronautique
- Santé
- Architecture et Bâtiment
Retrouvez notre sélection :
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52915:2020
Specification for additive manufacturing file format (AMF) Version 1.2
08/05/2024 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus312,00 € -
630,00 €
ASTM Volume 10.04 - Multi-User - Single-Site Online
Electronics, Declarable Substances in Materials, 3D Imaging Systems, Additive Manufacturing Technologies
The subscription ends 12 months from the day your order is processed.
01/01/2023 - Internet - Anglais - ASTM
En savoir plus873,05 € -
149,00 €
Wohlers Report 2022 full-color, printed/bound version
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing State of the Industry
Annual Worldwide Progress Report
01/04/2022 - Papier - Anglais - WOHLERS
En savoir plus912,50 € -
Wohlers Report 2022 full-color, single-user, digital + printed/bound
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing State of the Industry
Annual Worldwide Progress Report
01/04/2022 - Papier et PDF - Anglais - WOHLERS
En savoir plus1 156,25 € -
Wohlers Report 2022 full-color, single-user, digital version
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing State of the Industry
Annual Worldwide Progress Report
01/04/2022 - PDF - Anglais - WOHLERS
En savoir plus731,25 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52900, E67-001 (12/2021)
Fabrication additive - Principes généraux - Fondamentaux et vocabulaire
01/12/2021 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus102,33 € -
654,50 €
Wohlers Report 2021 full-color, single-user, digital version
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing State of the Industry
Annual Worldwide Progress Report
01/04/2021 - PDF non imprimable - Anglais - WOHLERS
En savoir plus544,50 € -
DIN SPEC 17028:2021-04
Additive Manufacturing - Method for non-destructive determination of mechanical properties of additive manufactured plastic parts
01/04/2021 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus0,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52903-2:2021
Additive manufacturing - Material extrusion based additive manufacturing of plastic materials - Part 2: Process equipment (ISO/ASTM 52903-2:2020)
31/03/2021 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 57,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52942:2021
Additive manufacturing - Qualification principles - Qualifying machine operators of laser metal powder bed fusion machines and equipment used in aerospace applications (ISO/ASTM 52942:2020)
31/03/2021 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 68,00 € -
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52903-1:2021
Additive manufacturing. Material extrusion-based additive manufacturing of plastic materials Feedstock
24/03/2021 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus162,00 € -
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52950:2021
Additive manufacturing. General principles. Overview of data processing
17/02/2021 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus191,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52950, E67-011 (02/2021)
Fabrication additive - Principes généraux - Vue d'ensemble des échanges de données
01/02/2021 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus49,33 € -
DIN EN ISO/ASTM 52903-2:2021-02
Additive manufacturing - Material extrusion based additive manufacturing of plastic materials - Part 2: Process equipment (ISO/ASTM 52903-2:2020), German version EN ISO/ASTM 52903-2:2020
01/02/2021 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus68,00 € -
105,00 €
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52941:2020
Additive manufacturing. System performance and reliability. Acceptance tests for laser metal powder-bed fusion machines for metallic materials for aerospace application
01/12/2020 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus191,00 € -
NF E67-010 (12/2020)
Fabrication additive - Poudres autres que métalliques - Spécifications techniques
01/12/2020 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus49,33 € -
DIN EN ISO/ASTM 52942:2020-12
Additive manufacturing - Qualification principles - Qualifying machine operators of laser metal powder bed fusion machines and equipment used in aerospace applications (ISO/ASTM 52942:2020), German version ISO/ASTM 52942:2020
01/12/2020 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus82,00 € -
90,05 €
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52903-2:2020
Additive manufacturing. Material extrusion based additive manufacturing of plastic materials Process equipment
04/11/2020 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus191,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52941, E67-016 (11/2020)
Fabrication additive - Performance et fiabilité du système - Essais de réception pour machines de fusion laser sur lit de poudre pour les matériaux métalliques pour l'application aérospatiale
01/11/2020 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus60,67 € -
DIN EN ISO/ASTM 52915:2020-11
Specification for additive manufacturing file format (AMF) Version 1.2 (ISO/ASTM 52915:2020), German version EN ISO/ASTM 52915:2020
01/11/2020 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus108,00 € -
UNE-CEN/TR/ISO/ASTM 52912:2020
Additive manufacturing - Design - Functionally graded additive manufacturing (ISO/ASTM/TR 52912:2020) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in November of 2020.)
01/11/2020 - PDF - Anglais - AENOR
En savoir plus75,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52904:2020
Additive manufacturing - Process characteristics and performance - Practice for metal powder bed fusion process to meet critical applications (ISO/ASTM 52904:2019)
28/10/2020 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 68,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52907:2020
Additive manufacturing - Feedstock materials - Methods to characterize metal powders (ISO/ASTM 52907:2019)
28/10/2020 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 71,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52911-1:2020
Additive manufacturing - Design - Part 1: Laser-based powder bed fusion of metals (ISO/ASTM 52911-1:2019)
28/10/2020 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 74,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52915:2020
Specification for additive manufacturing file format (AMF) Version 1.2 (ISO/ASTM 52915:2020)
28/10/2020 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 78,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52911-2:2020
Additive manufacturing - Design - Part 2: Laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers (ISO/ASTM 52911-2:2019)
28/10/2020 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 73,00 € -
PD CEN/TR/ISO/ASTM 52912:2020
Additive manufacturing. Design. Functionally graded additive manufacturing
15/10/2020 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus312,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52903-2, E67-007-2 (10/2020)
Fabrication additive - Fabrication additive de matériaux plastiques à base d'extrusion de matière - Partie 2 : équipement du procédé
01/10/2020 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus48,00 € -
FD CEN ISO/ASTM TR 52912, E67-018 (10/2020)
Fabrication additive - Conception - Fabrication additive à gradient fonctionnel
01/10/2020 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus99,33 € -
DIN/TS 17026:2020-10
Unfired pressure vessels - Additional Requirements for pressure equipment and pressure components fabricated with additive manufacturing methods
01/10/2020 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus122,00 € -
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52942:2020
Additive manufacturing. Qualification principles. Qualifying machine operators of laser metal powder bed fusion machines and equipment used in aerospace applications
18/09/2020 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus191,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52942, E67-017 (09/2020)
Fabrication additive - Principes de qualification - Qualification des opérateurs machine des machines à fusion laser sur lit de poudre et équipements utilisés dans les applications aérospatiales
01/09/2020 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus75,67 € -
630,00 €
DIN EN ISO/ASTM 52911-2:2020-06
Additive manufacturing - Design - Part 2: Laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers (ISO/ASTM 52911-2:2019), German version EN ISO/ASTM 52911-2:2019
01/06/2020 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus102,00 € -
DIN EN ISO/ASTM 52911-1:2020-05
Additive manufacturing - Design - Part 1: Laser-based powder bed fusion of metals (ISO/ASTM 52911-1:2019), German version EN ISO/ASTM 52911-1:2019
01/05/2020 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus108,00 € -
DIN EN ISO/ASTM 52907:2020-05
Additive manufacturing - Feedstock materials - Methods to characterize metal powders (ISO/ASTM 52907:2019), German version EN ISO/ASTM 52907:2019
01/05/2020 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus95,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52910:2020
Additive manufacturing - Design - Requirements, guidelines and recommendations (ISO/ASTM 52910:2018)
29/04/2020 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 74,00 € -
20/30416702 DC:2020
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52924. Additive manufacturing. Qualification principles. Classification of part properties for additive manufacturing of polymer parts
07/04/2020 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus24,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52915, E67-004 (04/2020)
Spécification pour le format de fichier pour la fabrication additive (AMF) Version 1.2
01/04/2020 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus89,33 € -
BS ISO 14649-17:2020
Industrial automation systems and integration. Physical device control. Data model for computerized numerical controllers Process data additive manufacturing
24/03/2020 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus191,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52910, E67-005 (03/2020)
Fabrication additive - Conception - Exigences, lignes directrices et recommandations
01/03/2020 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus86,67 € -
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52907:2019
Additive manufacturing. Feedstock materials. Methods to characterize metal powders
03/02/2020 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus266,00 € -
DIN EN ISO/ASTM 52910:2020-02
Additive manufacturing - Design - Requirements, guidelines and recommendations (ISO/ASTM 52910:2018), German version EN ISO/ASTM 52910:2019
01/02/2020 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus102,00 € -
Global Metal 3D Printing Market - SINGLE USER
Focus on Type, Application, and Country Level Analysis – Analysis & Forecast, 2019-2025
01/01/2020 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus4 600,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52907, E67-103 (12/2019)
Fabrication additive - Matières premières - Méthodes pour caractériser les poudres métalliques
01/12/2019 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus75,67 € -
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52911-2:2019
Additive manufacturing. Design Laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers
15/11/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus266,00 € -
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52910:2019
Additive manufacturing. Design. Requirements, guidelines and recommendations
25/10/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus266,00 € -
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52911-1:2019
Additive manufacturing. Design Laser-based powder bed fusion of metals
24/10/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus266,00 € -
19/30404044 DC:2019
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52921. Additive manufacturing. General principles. Standard practice for part positioning, coordinates and orientation
09/10/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus24,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52911-2, E67-009-2 (10/2019)
Fabrication additive - Conception - Partie 2 : fusion laser sur lit de poudre polymère
01/10/2019 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus86,67 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52911-1, E67-009-1 (09/2019)
Fabrication additive - Conception - Partie 1 : fusion laser sur lit de poudre métallique
01/09/2019 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus86,67 € -
Polyamide Powder Market For 3D Printing Industry - SITE LICENSE
Global Polyamide Powder Market For 3D Printing Industry: Focus on Technology, Material, End-Use Industry, and Region – Analysis and Forecast, 2019-2029
31/05/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 980,00 € -
Polyamide Powder Market For 3D Printing Industry - GLOBAL
Global Polyamide Powder Market For 3D Printing Industry: Focus on Technology, Material, End-Use Industry, and Region – Analysis and Forecast, 2019-2029
31/05/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus7 360,00 € -
Polyamide Powder Market For 3D Printing Industry - SINGLE USER
Global Polyamide Powder Market For 3D Printing Industry: Focus on Technology, Material, End-Use Industry, and Region – Analysis and Forecast, 2019-2029
31/05/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus4 600,00 € -
Polyamide Powder Market For 3D Printing Industry - HARD COPY
Global Polyamide Powder Market For 3D Printing Industry: Focus on Technology, Material, End-Use Industry, and Region – Analysis and Forecast, 2019-2029
31/05/2019 - Papier - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 060,00 € -
UNE-EN ISO/ASTM 52901:2019
Additive manufacturing - General principles - Requirements for purchased AM parts (ISO/ASTM 52901:2017)
08/05/2019 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 68,00 € -
Polylactic Acid Market for 3D Printing - SITE LICENSE
Global Polylactic Acid (PLA) Market for 3D Printing: Focus on User Type (Hobbyist, Education, Industrial), Diameter (1.75 MM and 3 MM), Application (Automotive, Food Packaging, Healthcare, House Hold Items, Others) – Analysis & Forecast, 2018-2028
24/04/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 980,00 € -
Polylactic Acid Market for 3D Printing - GLOBAL
Global Polylactic Acid (PLA) Market for 3D Printing: Focus on User Type (Hobbyist, Education, Industrial), Diameter (1.75 MM and 3 MM), Application (Automotive, Food Packaging, Healthcare, House Hold Items, Others) – Analysis & Forecast, 2018-2028
24/04/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus7 360,00 € -
Polylactic Acid Market for 3D Printing - SINGLE USER
Global Polylactic Acid (PLA) Market for 3D Printing: Focus on User Type (Hobbyist, Education, Industrial), Diameter (1.75 MM and 3 MM), Application (Automotive, Food Packaging, Healthcare, House Hold Items, Others) – Analysis & Forecast, 2018-2028
24/04/2019 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus4 600,00 € -
Polylactic Acid Market for 3D Printing - HARD COPY
Global Polylactic Acid (PLA) Market for 3D Printing: Focus on User Type (Hobbyist, Education, Industrial), Diameter (1.75 MM and 3 MM), Application (Automotive, Food Packaging, Healthcare, House Hold Items, Others) – Analysis & Forecast, 2018-2028
24/04/2019 - Papier - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 060,00 € -
DIN SPEC 91398:2019-04
3D screen printing - Requirements on the determination of parameters for 3D screen printing paste for metal and ceramic
01/04/2019 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus0,00 € -
XP E67-305 (03/2019)
Fabrication additive - Particularités à respecter pour la fabrication d'un dispositif médical
01/03/2019 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus34,67 € -
AWS D20.1/D20.1M:2019
Specification for Fabrication of Metal Components using Additive Manufacturing
01/01/2019 - PDF DRM - Anglais - AWS
En savoir plus193,60 € -
AWS D20.1/D20.1M:2019
Specification for Fabrication of Metal Components using Additive Manufacturing
01/01/2019 - Papier - Anglais - AWS
En savoir plus261,36 € -
3D Printing Market for Automotive and Aerospace Industry - SITE LICENSE
Global 3D Printing Market for Automotive and Aerospace Industry: Focus on Technology, Material Type and End-use - Analysis and Forecast (2018-2023)
14/12/2018 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 980,00 € -
3D Printing Market for Automotive and Aerospace Industry - GLOBAL
Global 3D Printing Market for Automotive and Aerospace Industry: Focus on Technology, Material Type and End-use - Analysis and Forecast (2018-2023)
14/12/2018 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus7 360,00 € -
3D Printing Market for Automotive and Aerospace Industry - SINGLE USER
Global 3D Printing Market for Automotive and Aerospace Industry: Focus on Technology, Material Type and End-use - Analysis and Forecast (2018-2023)
14/12/2018 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus4 600,00 € -
3D Printing Market for Automotive and Aerospace Industry - HARD COPY
Global 3D Printing Market for Automotive and Aerospace Industry: Focus on Technology, Material Type and End-use - Analysis and Forecast (2018-2023)
14/12/2018 - Papier - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 060,00 € -
DIN EN ISO/ASTM 52901:2018-12
Fabrication additive - Principes généraux - Exigences pour l'achat de pièces (ISO/ASTM 52901:2017), Version allemande EN ISO/ASTM 52901:2018
01/12/2018 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus82,00 € -
247,00 €
BS EN ISO/ASTM 52901:2018
Additive manufacturing. General principles. Requirements for purchased AM parts
25/10/2018 - PDF - Anglais - BSI
En savoir plus191,00 € -
DIN 65124:2018-10
Série aérospatiale - Spécifications techniques pour la fabrication additive métallique par procédé sur lit de poudre
01/10/2018 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus68,00 € -
NF EN ISO/ASTM 52901, E67-300 (10/2018)
Fabrication additive - Principes généraux - Exigences pour l'achat de pièces
01/10/2018 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus62,00 € -
3D Printing Plastics Market - SITE LICENSE
Global 3D Printing Plastics Market: Focus on Types (PLA, ABS, PEEK, Nylon/Polyamide, PETG, and PC), Forms, Technologies, and End User (Healthcare, Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, Consumer Electronics, and Others) – Analysis and Forecast, 2018-2023
11/08/2018 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 980,00 € -
3D Printing Plastics Market - GLOBAL
Global 3D Printing Plastics Market: Focus on Types (PLA, ABS, PEEK, Nylon/Polyamide, PETG, and PC), Forms, Technologies, and End User (Healthcare, Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, Consumer Electronics, and Others) – Analysis and Forecast, 2018-2023
11/08/2018 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus7 360,00 € -
3D Printing Plastics Market - SINGLE USER
Global 3D Printing Plastics Market: Focus on Types (PLA, ABS, PEEK, Nylon/Polyamide, PETG, and PC), Forms, Technologies, and End User (Healthcare, Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, Consumer Electronics, and Others) – Analysis and Forecast, 2018-2023
11/08/2018 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus4 600,00 € -
3D Printing Plastics Market - HARD COPY
Global 3D Printing Plastics Market: Focus on Types (PLA, ABS, PEEK, Nylon/Polyamide, PETG, and PC), Forms, Technologies, and End User (Healthcare, Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, Consumer Electronics, and Others) – Analysis and Forecast, 2018-2023
11/08/2018 - Papier - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 060,00 € -
ISO/ASTM 52910:2018
Additive manufacturing — Design — Requirements, guidelines and recommendations
20/07/2018 - - - ISO
En savoir plus152,00 € -
ASTM F3301-18a
Standard for Additive Manufacturing –, Post Processing Methods –, Standard Specification for Thermal Post-Processing Metal Parts Made Via Powder Bed Fusion
15/07/2018 - PDF - Anglais - ASTM
En savoir plus61,00 € -
ASTM F3301-18a + Redline
Standard for Additive Manufacturing –, Post Processing Methods –, Standard Specification for Thermal Post-Processing Metal Parts Made Via Powder Bed Fusion
15/07/2018 - PDF - Anglais - ASTM
En savoir plus73,00 € -
ASTM F3318-18
Standard for Additive Manufacturing –, Finished Part Properties –, Specification for AlSi10Mg with Powder Bed Fusion –, Laser Beam
01/05/2018 - PDF - Anglais - ASTM
En savoir plus69,00 € -
ASTM F3302-18
Standard for Additive Manufacturing –, Finished Part Properties –, Standard Specification for Titanium Alloys via Powder Bed Fusion
15/01/2018 - PDF - Anglais - ASTM
En savoir plus69,00 € -
3D Printing Software & Services Market - SITE LICENSE
Global 3D Printing Software & Services Market – Analysis and Forecast (2017 to 2021) Focus on Software Market (3D Designing, Data Preparation), Services Market, by Type (Print on Demand, After Sales & Maintenance), by Material (Photopolymer, Ceramic), by Technology (Metal Extrusion, Power Bed Fusion)
03/11/2017 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 519,08 € -
3D Printing Software & Services Market - GLOBAL
Global 3D Printing Software & Services Market – Analysis and Forecast (2017 to 2021) Focus on Software Market (3D Designing, Data Preparation), Services Market, by Type (Print on Demand, After Sales & Maintenance), by Material (Photopolymer, Ceramic), by Technology (Metal Extrusion, Power Bed Fusion)
03/11/2017 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus6 439,08 € -
3D Printing Software & Services Market - SINGLE USER
Global 3D Printing Software & Services Market – Analysis and Forecast (2017 to 2021) Focus on Software Market (3D Designing, Data Preparation), Services Market, by Type (Print on Demand, After Sales & Maintenance), by Material (Photopolymer, Ceramic), by Technology (Metal Extrusion, Power Bed Fusion)
03/11/2017 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus4 139,08 € -
3D Printing Software & Services Market - HARD COPY
Global 3D Printing Software & Services Market – Analysis and Forecast (2017 to 2021) Focus on Software Market (3D Designing, Data Preparation), Services Market, by Type (Print on Demand, After Sales & Maintenance), by Material (Photopolymer, Ceramic), by Technology (Metal Extrusion, Power Bed Fusion)
03/11/2017 - Papier - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus4 415,08 € -
ASTM F3213-17
Standard for Additive Manufacturing –, Finished Part Properties –, Standard Specification for Cobalt-28 Chromium-6 Molybdenum via Powder Bed Fusion
01/11/2017 - PDF - Anglais - ASTM
En savoir plus69,00 € -
DIN 65123:2017-08
Série aérospatiale - Méthodes de contrôle de composants métalliques réalisés par fabrication additive et lit de poudre
01/08/2017 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus82,00 € -
ISO/ASTM 52901:2017 (R2023)
Additive manufacturing — General principles — Requirements for purchased AM parts
20/07/2017 - - - ISO
En savoir plus75,00 € -
3D Printing Plastic and Photopolymer Material Market - SITE LICENSE
Global 3D Printing Plastic and Photopolymer Material Market - Analysis and Forecast, 2017-2023 (Focus on Material (PLA, ABS, PC, Nylon, Photopolymer), Form (Filament, Liquid, Powder), Technology (FDM, SLA, Polyjet, SLS,DLP), Application and Region)
01/06/2017 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus5 243,08 € -
3D Printing Plastic and Photopolymer Material Market - GLOBAL
Global 3D Printing Plastic and Photopolymer Material Market - Analysis and Forecast, 2017-2023 (Focus on Material (PLA, ABS, PC, Nylon, Photopolymer), Form (Filament, Liquid, Powder), Technology (FDM, SLA, Polyjet, SLS,DLP), Application and Region)
01/06/2017 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus6 163,08 € -
3D Printing Plastic and Photopolymer Material Market - SINGLE USER
Global 3D Printing Plastic and Photopolymer Material Market - Analysis and Forecast, 2017-2023 (Focus on Material (PLA, ABS, PC, Nylon, Photopolymer), Form (Filament, Liquid, Powder), Technology (FDM, SLA, Polyjet, SLS,DLP), Application and Region)
01/06/2017 - PDF - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus3 863,08 € -
3D Printing Plastic and Photopolymer Material Market - HARD COPY
Global 3D Printing Plastic and Photopolymer Material Market - Analysis and Forecast, 2017-2023 (Focus on Material (PLA, ABS, PC, Nylon, Photopolymer), Form (Filament, Liquid, Powder), Technology (FDM, SLA, Polyjet, SLS,DLP), Application and Region)
01/06/2017 - Papier - Anglais - BISRESEARCH
En savoir plus4 139,08 € -
UNE-EN ISO 17296-2:2017
Additive manufacturing - General principles - Part 2: Overview of process categories and feedstock (ISO 17296-2:2015)
31/05/2017 - - - AENOR
En savoir plusDe: 60,00 € -
DIN 65122:2017-01
Série aérospatiale - Poudre pour la fabrication additive au moyen de processus de lit de poudre - Spécifications techniques de livraison
01/01/2017 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus47,00 € -
DIN 65122:2017-01
Série aérospatiale - Poudre pour la fabrication additive au moyen de processus de lit de poudre - Spécifications techniques de livraison
01/01/2017 - PDF - Anglais - DIN
En savoir plus59,00 € -
DIN EN ISO 17296-2:2016-12
Fabrication additive - Principes généraux - Partie 2: Vue d'ensemble des catégories de procédés et des matières premières (ISO 17296-2:2015), Version allemande EN ISO 17296-2:2016
01/12/2016 - PDF - Allemand - DIN
En savoir plus68,00 € -
DIN EN ISO 17296-2:2016-12
Fabrication additive - Principes généraux - Partie 2: Vue d'ensemble des catégories de procédés et des matières premières (ISO 17296-2:2015), Version allemande EN ISO 17296-2:2016
01/12/2016 - PDF - Anglais - DIN
En savoir plus85,00 € -
NF EN ISO 17296-2, E67-002-2 (12/2016)
Fabrication additive - Principes généraux - Partie 2 : vue d'ensemble des catégories de procédés et des matières premières
01/12/2016 - Papier - Français - AFNOR
En savoir plus49,33 € -
100,00 €
75,00 €
UNE 116005:2012
Manufacturing by additive of caps on plastics. Additive manufacturing. Preparation of test pieces
18/04/2012 - PDF - Espagnol - AENOR
En savoir plus46,00 € -
Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital Manufacturing
01/01/2010 - Papier - Anglais - SPRINGER
En savoir plus151,66 €