ASTM STP1318:1997

ASTM STP1318:1997

Nontraditional Methods of Sensing Stress, Strain, and Damage in Materials and Structures

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The first publication of its kind dealing with the advancement and development of innovative ways to evaluate material and structural fatigue and damage behavior. Leading experts in the field have presented sixteen peer-reviewed papers in the following comprehensive areas:

Nontraditional Extensometers -- 3 papers explore novel ways to measure point to point deformation or strain.

Nontraditional Crack Measurement Techniques -- Alternative methods for measuring crack length as well as stress-strain measurement and damage parameters are discussed in 4 papers.

Optical, Non-Contacting Strain Measurement Devices -- 4 papers examine optical methods of measuring both point to point and full field strains.

Ultrasonic and Infrared Techniques -- New and promising methods that do not rely on surface features are presented in 5 papers.

Informations supplémentaires

Auteur Lucas GF, Stubbs DA
Edité par ASTM
Type de document Livre
EAN ISBN 978-0-8031-5371-4 9780803153714
Nombre de pages 231