Reliability Online Automated Databook System (ROADS)
Abonnement 12 mois : All Databooks (NPRD EPRD FMD)
ROADS is a subscription service that provides easily searchable access to the following databooks directly in your web browser:
Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Data (NPRD) including the newly updated NPRD-2023, which presents field failure rate data for electrical assemblies and electromechanical/mechanical parts and assemblies.
Electronic Parts Reliability Data (EPRD), which contains field failure rate data for commercial and military electronic components for use in reliability analyses.
Failure Mode / Mechanism Distributions (FMD), which presents field failure mode and mechanism distribution data on a variety of electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical parts and assemblies.
1/1/2024 - Internet - English - QUANTERION
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NPRD-2023 - Hardcopy
Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Data (NPRD-2023) presents field failure rate data on a wide variety of mechanical and electromechanical parts and assemblies. The parts cover ground, airborne and naval environments. NPRD-2023 adds 300,000 new failure rate records and 13,000 new components compared to its predecessor.
To access the large database contained in NPRD-2023, buyers will receive a five-volume hard copy set plus a CD-ROM. Sections 1 and 2 of the hard copy are printed on five volumes while Sections 3 through 8 are accessible via CD-ROM.
1/1/2023 - Papier - English - QUANTERION
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HDBK-217Plus™: 2015, Notice 1
Quanterion Solutions developed Notice 1 to the popular 217Plus™ Handbook of Reliability Prediction Models’ to supersede the 2015 edition developed in 2014. Available exclusively through Quanterion, 217Plus™:2015, Notice 1 replaces the original software reliability prediction model with the Neufelder Model for software reliability prediction contained in IEEE Standard 1633-2016 “IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability”.
1/1/2017 - Download - English - QUANTERION
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HDBK-217Plus™: 2015, Notice 1
Quanterion Solutions developed Notice 1 to the popular 217Plus™ Handbook of Reliability Prediction Models’ to supersede the 2015 edition developed in 2014. Available exclusively through Quanterion, 217Plus™:2015, Notice 1 replaces the original software reliability prediction model with the Neufelder Model for software reliability prediction contained in IEEE Standard 1633-2016 “IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability”.
1/1/2017 - Papier - English - QUANTERION
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FMD-2016 - Hardcopy
Failure Mode / Mechanism Distributions – FMD-2016
1/1/2016 - Papier - English - QUANTERION
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FMD-2016 - CD-Rom Individual
Failure Mode / Mechanism Distributions – FMD-2016
Individual License (for installation on a single computer for use by one individual at any time).
1/1/2016 - CD-Rom - English - QUANTERION
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FMD-2016 - Download Individual
Failure Mode / Mechanism Distributions – FMD-2016
Individual License (for installation on a single computer for use by one individual at any time).
1/1/2016 - Download - English - QUANTERION
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Quanterion Automated Databook (NPRD-2016, FMD-2016, EPRD-2014)
Individual License (for installation on a single computer for use by one individual at any time).
·Electronic Parts Reliability Data - 2014
·Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Data - 2016
·Failure Mode / Mechanism Distributions - 2016
This product does NOT include NPRD-2023 and EPRD-2024 - A ROADS subscription includes all versions of NPRD, EPRD, and FMD.
1/1/2016 - Download - English - QUANTERION
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Optimized Reliability Requirements and Cost Analysis (OR2CA)
Quanterion Solutions Incorporated has developed the Optimized Reliability Requirements and Cost Analysis (OR2CA) tool for one purpose: to present a methodology that develops contractual reliability requirements that are fully aligned with stated End-User Operational Reliability needs and expectations based on all of the categories of root failure cause that contribute to potential mission loss or degradation.
7/1/2015 - PDF - English - QUANTERION
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217Plus™: 2015, Notice 1 Spreadsheet Calculator
Quanterion's 217Plus™:2015, Notice 1 Reliability Prediction Calculator has been developed to facilitate the failure rate calculation of up to ten (10) hardware assemblies, and fifteen (15) software assemblies, according to the component and system reliability models defined by Quanterion's 217Plus™:2015, Notice 1 methodology. All models are detailed in the 2015, Notice 1 version of the “Handbook of 217Plus Reliability Prediction Models” (HDBK-217Plus™:2015, Notice 1).
1/1/2015 - Fichier Excel - English - QUANTERION
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Effective Application of Software Failure Modes Effects Analysis & Software FMEA
Toolkit Bundle – 2nd Edition
This is a bundled package consisting of Effective Application of Software Failure Modes Effects Analysis – 2nd Edition & Software FMEA Toolkit.
1/1/2015 - paper and CD-ROM - English - QUANTERION
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Achieving System Reliability Growth Through Robust Design and Test
This book offers new definitions of how failures can be characterized, and how those new definitions can be used to develop metrics that will quantify how effective a Design for Reliability (DFR) process is in (1) identifying failure modes and (2) mitigating their root failure causes. Reliability growth can only occur in the presence of both elements.
10/8/2014 - PDF - English - QUANTERION
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Reliability Demonstration Testing
There are many forms of reliability testing that may be applied at the component, assembly, product, equipment and/or system level. Some are intended to find design problems so that they can be fixed (accelerated tests, test, analyze and fix (TAAF) or reliability growth testing (RGT)). Others are intended to find manufacturing defects and repair them prior to shipping the item (environmental stress screening (ESS) or highly accelerated stress screening (HASS)). Reliability demonstration/qualification tests are a subset of a larger group, collectively known as compliance tests. In general, the purpose of compliance tests is to demonstrate, often statistically, that a specific item performance parameter is in compliance with a requirement. Reliability compliance tests like RDT/RQT focus on reliability parameters such as MTBF, meantime- to-failure (MTTF), failure rate (failure intensity), or probability of failure.
10/2/2014 - PDF - English - QUANTERION
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Expanded Applications of FMECA
This book expands the discussion of FMECA beyond the realm of the MIL-STD-1629A hardware approach. Commonly-used commercial standards (SAE J1739 and IEC 60812) are introduced. Hardware and Software FMECA (DFMEA), Process FMECA (PFMEA) and Human Systems Integration (HSI)-based PFMECA methods are discussed, with particular attention given to the process, required information, expected results and analysis alternatives. The concept of an Integrated FMECA (I-FMECA) is also introduced.
4/4/2014 - PDF - English - QUANTERION
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Weibull Analysis
The statistical analysis of an item’s failure data is widely regarded as one of the most accurate techniques for assessing its reliability in a specific application or environment. Though there are many different statistical distributions (e.g., exponential, lognormal, etc.), the Weibull distribution is especially useful because of its ability to characterize a wide range of potential data trends. More specifically, it can be fit to a dataset exhibiting an increasing, constant or decreasing failure rate, a unique feature that separates the Weibull distribution from its counterparts. This feature also allows the Weibull distribution to mimic other statistical distributions, and is the reason why it is often used as a first approximation for fitting a collection of failure data.
7/23/2013 - PDF - English - QUANTERION
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Designing, Manufacturing and Supporting Affordable Products
In today’s marketplace, customer expectations for safe, reliable products with new and enhanced features, all at very affordable prices, presents some serious challenges to system engineers and manufacturers. In addition, customers have an expectation that the products they purchase will be economical to own and operate over time. This is especially true in the automotive industry, as numerous vehicle comparison websites are now utilizing cost per mile of operation as a primary comparison metric. These metric calculations are based on the total cost of ownership for the vehicle (e.g., purchase price, insurance, maintenance, fuel consumption, etc.) and, as such, require system engineers and manufacturers to consider all aspects of product performance from the initial design and production phases to the end of the product’s useful life.
7/23/2013 - PDF - English - QUANTERION
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Reliability Modeling - The RIAC Guide to Reliability Prediction, Assessment
Reliability Modeling - The Quanterion Guide to Reliability Prediction, Assessment and Estimation
3/15/2013 - Papier - English - QUANTERION
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