SAE AS 9955B:2020-06-08

SAE AS 9955B:2020-06-08

O-Ring Machined from AMS3668 Material

Availability: In stock



This standard establishes the dimensional and visual quality requirements, lot requirements, and packaging and labeling requirements for O-rings machined from AMS3668 material. It shall be used for procurement purposes.

Additional Info

Author Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE)
Committee A-6C2 Seals Committee
Published by SAE
Document type Standard
Number of pages 13
Replace SAE AS 9955A:2017-03-21
Document history SAE AS 9955A:2017-03-21,SAE AS 9955:2012-11-19
Keyword SAE 9955,SAE AS9955B,SAE AS9955B,SAE AS 9955