Residual Stress Measurement in Ion-Exchanged Glass by Iterated Birefringence andEtching

Residual Stress Measurement in Ion-Exchanged Glass by Iterated Birefringence andEtching

Volume 32, Issue 3 (May 2004)



Residual stresses play an important role in controlling fracture behavior in ion-exchanged glass. In this work, the internal tensile stress resulting from ion exchange is measured using conventional birefringence methods. By progressively etching thin layers from the glass surface, the compressive stress in the removed layer can then be determined from the change in the compensating internal tensile stress, producing a stress profile as a function of depth. Specimen geometry, surface roughness, and configuration of the optical system are examined in order to improve the accuracy of the method.

Additional Info

Author Abrams, M., Shen, J., and Green, D.
Published by ASTM
Document type Paper
EAN ISBN 0090-3973
Number of pages 7