IEEE P1474.3

IEEE P1474.3

IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) System Design and Functional Allocations

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Revision Standard - Active - Draft.
This recommended practice for communications-based train control (CBTC) system design and functional allocations builds on IEEE Std 1474.1 by decomposing each identified automatic train protection, automatic train operation and automatic train supervision function to a level where each subfunction can be allocated to one of the CBTC subsystems.

This recommended practice establishes a preferred system design and functional allocation for CBTC systems.
The purpose of this recommended practice is to define a preferred CBTC system design/system architecture to achieve the CBTC performance and functional requirements of IEEE Std 1474.1TM-2004, and to allocate functions to the major CBTC subsystems.

Additional Info

Author Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Committee Communications Based Train Control and Signals
Published by IEEE
Document type Draft standard
EAN ISBN 979-8-8557-0980-3
Number of pages 109
Keyword IEEE P1474.3
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