IEEE P1474.2

IEEE P1474.2

IEEE Draft Standard for User Interface Requirements in Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) Systems

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Revision Standard - Active - Draft.
User interface requirements for communications-based train control (CBTC) subsystems are established in this standard.

This standard establishes a set of both mandatory and optional CBTC user interface information requirements, as well as provide guidance in respect to how this information should be presented to the user.
This standard will provide for consistent user interfaces that take advantage of the characteristics of CBTC systems to enhance service effectiveness of a rail transit system.

Additional Info

Author Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Committee Communications Based Train Control and Signals
Published by IEEE
Document type Draft standard
EAN ISBN 979-8-8557-0981-0
Number of pages 30
Keyword IEEE P1474.2
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