IEEE/ISO 11073-10700:2024

IEEE/ISO 11073-10700:2024

ISO/IEEE International Standard: Health informatics--Device interoperability--Part 10700: Point-of-care medical device communication--Standard for base requirements for participants in a Service-oriented Device Connectivity (SDC) system



Adoption Standard - Active.
Medical devices that offer a communication interface as specified by the IEEE 11073 Service-oriented Device Connectivity (SDC) standards can be integrated into a health IT system to jointly execute system functions. However, implementing the IEEE 11073 SDC communication protocol is not sufficient to demonstrate safety, effectiveness, and security of system functions resulting from the combination of system function contributions from two or more medical devices. SDC participant key purposes (PKPs) are sets of requirements that allow for manufacturers to have certain expectations about BICEPS participants from other manufacturers. This common understanding enables the manufacturers to perform risk management, verification, validation, and usability engineering for the safe use of system functions. This standard specifies requirements for the allocation of responsibilities to SDC base participants.

This standard specifies the base set of Participant Key Purposes (PKPs) for the Service-oriented Device Connectivity (SDC) series of standards. PKPs are role-based sets of requirements for products in order to support safe, effective, and secure interoperability in medical IT networks at point-of-care environments such as the intensive care unit (ICU), operating room (OR) or other acute care settings. This standard specifies both product development process and technical requirements.

Additional Info

Author Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Committee IEEE 11073 Standards Committee
Published by IEEE
Document type Standard
EAN ISBN 979-8-8557-1255-1
ICS 35.240.80 : IT applications in health care technology
Number of pages 58
Weight(kg.) 0.1986
Keyword IEEE/ISO 11073-10700-2024
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