Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations (eBook)

Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations (eBook)



The objective of this publication is to align marine and aviation industries through the promotion of standardised procedures and facilities. To provide additional value, this new edition is accompanied by a CD version of the text with a search function. The CD includes an electronic template for preparing helicopter landing/operating plans that can be cross-referenced between ship and helicopter operators.

For those ships to which the ISM Code applies, the Guide may assist in developing shipboard operating procedures and requirements for helicopter operations that may be undertaken on board. The book contains detailed illustrations and takes full account of specifications for helicopter performance. It also outlines requirements for the safe location of landing/winching areas and ICAO guidance on actions to be taken in the event of helicopter incidents.

Additional Info

Author International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)
Published by WP
Document type Book
Edition 4
EAN ISBN 978-1-9162322-8-0
Number of pages 72
Keyword MA1002EA