CLSI M48:2018

CLSI M48:2018

Laboratory Detection and Identification of Mycobacteria, 2nd Edition, M48Ed2E



This guideline provides recommendations for medical mycobacteriology laboratories on the optimal approach for diagnosis of mycobacterial infections.
This document is available for preorder only.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guideline M48 - Laboratory Detection and Identification of Mycobacteria covers
topics related to laboratory diagnosis of mycobacterial infections, including safety and risk assessment, referrals, clinical
significance, acceptable specimen types, specimen collection, transport, and storage, specimen processing methods, microscopy
for direct detection, molecular methods for directly detecting mycobacteria in patient specimens, culture methods, contamination
issues, reporting, quality control, and conventional identification methods as they relate to mass spectrometry and genotypic
procedures. Recommendations for managing the unique challenges associated with the increasing incidence of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacteria infections are included.

Additional Info

Author Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)
Published by CLSI
Document type Standard
Theme /subgroups/17907
Edition 2
EAN ISBN 9781684400195
Number of pages 102
Replace CLSI M48-A,CLSI M48P
Keyword CLSI M48