Can You Measure and Benchmark ROI from IT Initiatives? A Primer for Public Utility Managers



Increasing demand for water/wastewater utility competitiveness, high expectations of reliability and decreasing budgets force executives and decision makers to scrutinize and more precisely quantify the value and financial return on the projects in their capital improvement programs. As challenging as these tasks are for traditional "hard asset" improvements, the situation becomes even more daunting when analyzing information technology (IT) projects which have both "hard" and "soft" sides. This paper is intended to help water and wastewater utility managers and decision makers understand the issues and ask the right questions when considering prospective IT projects. The advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly employed financial metrics are discussed, along with the pros and cons of different benchmarking approaches. Includes figures.

Additional Info

Author American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Published by AWWA
Document type Proceeding
Number of pages 7
Keyword AWWA JTMGT57495