ASTM Volume 08.01 -  Multi-User - Single-Site Online

ASTM Volume 08.01 - Multi-User - Single-Site Online

Plastics (I): C1147–D3159

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These three volumes, 08.01 through 08.03, feature over 480 plastics-related standards, including test methods that establish standard procedures for assessing physical, mechanical, optical, permanence, and thermal properties.

Volume 08.03 also covers:

Plastic Building Products—standards deal with plastic siding products, glass-fiber-reinforced polyester plastic panels, and PVC building products.

Reinforced Plastic Piping Systems and Chemical Equipment—covers testing requirements for glass-fiber-reinforced thermosetting resin pipes, fittings, and joints, and establish chemical resistance of thermosetting resins.

Additional Info

Author American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International)
Published by ASTM
Document type Set
Edition 2023
Number of pages 934
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